State Department Billing Entities processing Debts through the MMARS State Accounting System will automatically assign Debts systemically to Intercept when the Debt is 120 days past due, unless the Debt has been flagged as exempt from Intercept. Unless otherwise specified by the State Department Billing Entity submitting the Debt, all Debts may be simultaneously submitted to Intercept and to a Statewide Debt Collection Agency. Statewide Debt Collection Agencies have the right to refuse and return Debts to the submitting Billing Entity until Intercept efforts are completed. Statewide Debt Collection Agencies that accept a Debt that has been submitted simultaneously for Intercept and Debt Collection assume the risk that the Debt will be successfully Intercepted in whole or in part prior to the Collection Agency's Collection of the Debt, and the Agency shall not be entitled to any compensation for Debt Collection work performed.
815 CMR, § 9.04