In the event a contract does not specify a commercial fee, the amount authorized shall be assumed to equal the current annual surplus revenue retention limit. For contracts subject to 808 CMR 1.00, the contracting department may authorize a for-profit contractor to retain a Commercial Fee from such a contract not to exceed the amount then-authorized for annual surplus revenue retention. In addition, the for-profit contractor may not retain a Commercial Fee from a contract with deficit results of operations or from a cost reimbursement contract. Departments shall consider several approaches in developing a reasonable for-profit earning allowance in accordance with OSD policies and procedures issued pursuant to 808 CMR 1.00 and 801 CMR 21.00: Procurement of Commodities or Services. The provisions of this language also apply to M.G.L. c. 71B approved private special education Programs and contracts that utilize non-negotiated unit rates established by Departments and the Executive Office for Health and Human Services. OSD shall determine the Commercial Fee, if any, prospectively for M.G.L. c. 71B approved private special education Programs. Departments shall monitor the amount of Commercial Fee from the net surplus from Contract Revenues (or revenues received by M.G.L. c. 71B private special education Programs) and reimbursable costs retained by each for-profit Contractor in any given year and recoup funds or reduce future prices when appropriate in accordance with 808 CMR 1.03(6) and other guidance issued by OSD.
OSD may refer matters concerning departments, contractors or individuals determined to be responsible for entering into such agreements for investigation pursuant to M.G.L. c. 266, § 67A.
808 CMR, § 1.03