Declaration of Trust. The formal legal instrument, which may be a declaration, an agreement or a similar instrument, governing operation of the Expendable Trust.
Department. Any office, department, agency, board, division, commission or institution in the Executive Department, whether or not subject to the jurisdiction of an Executive Office, but excluding the Legislative and Judicial Branches, the Constitutional Offices and independent public authorities. Organizations recognized as Departments have unique departmental identification in the state accounting system.
Executive Office. Any of the Executive Offices established by M.G.L. c. 6A, § 2. For the purposes of 801 CMR 50.00, Secretariat shall have the same meaning as Executive Office.
Expendable Trust. An account of the Commonwealth established on MMARS and with the State Treasurer into which are deposited monies that are held by the Commonwealth or any of its Executive Offices in a trustee capacity and from which both principal and interest may be expended only in accordance with the terms of the trust. The terms and conditions for expenditure, financial accounting and reporting of an Expendable Trust shall be the same as any other state funding as prescribed by the Comptroller under generally accepted accounting principles. An Expendable Trust is designated as a temporary account and not as a permanent revenue stream. Expendable Trusts shall be subject to fringe and indirect costs for non-budgetary accounts as prescribed by law.
MMARS. The Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System established by the Comptroller of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts pursuant to M.G.L. c. 7A, § 7.
Office of the Comptroller (the Comptroller). The Office established by M.G.L. c. 7A.
Person. An individual, corporation, society, association or partnership.
Secretary. The Secretary of any Executive Office, as established by M.G.L. c. 6A, § 2, or duly authorized designee.
Secretary of Administration. The Secretary of the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, as established under M.G.L. c. 7, § 2.
801 CMR, § 50.02