For any proposed work regulated by 780 CMR 34.00 and subject to section 107 of 780 CMR, as a condition of the issuance of a permit the building owner shall cause the existing building (or portion thereof) to be investigated and evaluated in accordance with the provisions of 780 CMR 34.00. The investigation and evaluation shall be in sufficient detail to ascertain the effects of the proposed work on at least these systems: structural, means of egress, fire protection, energy conservation, lighting, hazardous materials, accessibility, and ventilation for the space under consideration and, where necessary, the entire building or structure and its foundation if impacted by the proposed work. The results of the investigation and evaluation, along with any proposed compliance alternatives, shall be submitted to the building official in written report form.
Where compliance with the provisions of the code for new construction, required by 780 CMR 34.00, is impractical because of construction difficulties or regulatory conflicts, compliance alternatives may be accepted by the building official. The building official may accept these compliance alternatives, archaic materials and assemblies in Resource A of 780 CMR 34.00, or other alternatives proposed. If the compliance alternative involves fire protection systems the building official shall consult with the fire official. Compliance alternatives, if any are proposed, shall be included with the application for a permit and shall identify all items of noncompliance or partial compliance with the requirements of 780 CMR 34.00, and for approval by the building official. The building official shall respond to the acceptability of any proposed compliance alternatives within 30 days of the filing of the permit application. Where proposed compliance alternatives are, in the opinion of the building official, unacceptable, or where issues of noncompliance remain, the permit applicant shall have the remedies prescribed by section 113 of 780 CMR.
780 CMR, § ch. 34, pt. 1, § 101