780 CMR, CHAPTER 115

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
C.USE GROUP U (Adopted as revised)
C101.2Add section and exception as follows.
C101.2Revise as follows.
C101.2Occupancy Thresholds. Buildings that exceed an occupancy load of 100, that would otherwise be classified as Group U Agricultural, shall be classified in accordance with their intended use.

EXCEPTION: Riding arenas shall have an occupancy load limit of 100.

C101.3Add section as follows.
C101.3H-Use. Agricultural buildings used to store commercial fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides shall comply with 527 CMR, 780 CMR, and M.G.L. c. 132B with its associated regulations, as applicable.

Table C102.1 Add Note b.

b. Greenhouses that comply with snow-load requirements are exempt from the area requirements set forth in C102.
C102.3Delete in its entirety.
F.RODENTPROOFING (Adopted no amendments)

Delete Sections G101 through G115.1 and replace as follows.

G101.1General. Work subject to the requirements of this appendix shall be designed by a registered design professional. Work located in both flood hazard areas and coastal dunes shall meet the requirements for both areas. Where requirements are duplicative the more stringent requirement shall apply.
G101.2Construction Documents. Construction documents in accordance with section 1612.5 shall be submitted as applicable for work in coastal dunes. Construction documents shall indicate proposed details of floor, wall, foundation support components, loading computations, and other essential technical data used to meet the requirements of this appendix. In addition and as part of the permit application for construction in coastal dunes the building official shall require submission of one of the construction documents specified in (a) through (d) along with a notarized statement by the applicant that the order, determination or notice is in effect and is not the subject of any administrative appeals before the Department of Environmental Protection or the Division of Administrative Law Appeals. No building permit shall be issued unless and until a construction document that conforms to the requirements of this section is submitted.
(a) An order of conditions establishing the boundaries of all coastal wetland resource areas in a plan referenced in and accompanying the order. The order shall determine whether the coastal wetland resource areas are significant to any of the interests identified in the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, § 40 including the interests of flood control and storm damage prevention. If the order indicates that the proposed construction work is located within a coastal dune that is significant to the interests of flood control and/or storm damage prevention, the order of conditions shall allow the proposed construction.
(b) An order of resource area delineation stating that the proposed construction work is outside the boundaries of all coastal wetland resource areas as shown on a plan referenced in and accompanying the order.
(c) A determination of applicability stating that the proposed construction work is outside the boundaries of all coastal wetland resource areas as shown on a plan referenced in and accompanying the determination or will not fill, dredge or alter a coastal wetland resource area.
(d) A notice of non-significance evidencing that the proposed construction work is within a coastal wetland resource area as shown on a plan referenced in and accompanying the notice and stating that the coastal wetland resource area is not significant to any of the interests identified in M.G.L. c. 131, § 40: Removal, Fill, Dredging or Altering of Land Bordering Waters (the Wetlands Protection Act).
G101.3Elevation of Structures in Coastal Dunes. For new buildings and structures, new foundations, replacement or substantial repair of a foundation, or repair of a substantially damaged structure where damage is the result of a storm or flooding the entire structure shall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor with the exception of pilings or pile caps or lateral bracing elements is located above the Design Flood Elevation, or at the elevation required by the order of conditions of the local conservation commission in accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, § 40 and Wetlands Protection regulations, 310 CMR 10.21 through 10.35, but no less than two feet above the adjacent grade. For lateral additions that are not a substantial improvement, only the addition shall be elevated so that the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor with the exception of pilings or pile caps or lateral bracing elements is located above the Design Flood Elevation, or at the elevation required by the order of conditions of the local conservation commission in accordance with the Wetlands Protection Act, M.G.L. c. 131, § 40 and the Wetlands Protection regulations at 310 CMR 10.21 through 10.35 but no less than two feet above the adjacent grade. Enclosures are not permitted below the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor.
G101.4Foundations. Foundations shall be designed in accordance with section 18, ASCE 7 and ASCE 24. Anchorage of buildings and structures shall be designed and connected to resist flotation, collapse or permanent lateral movement due to structural loads and stresses from flooding equal to the base flood. Unless otherwise required in Section 1810, Foundations for work meeting the elevation requirements of section G301.3 shall consist of open pilings and lateral bracing elements, without at grade horizontal elements such as footings, grade beams or slabs that would otherwise impede to allow the movement of the dune.

EXCEPTION: Where surface or subsurface conditions consist of non-erodible soil that prevents the use of pile foundations, spread footings or mat foundations may be permitted. Such foundations shall be anchored to prevent sliding, uplift or overturning of the footing and the non-erodible soil it is attached to and be designed to withstand any combination of loads.

H.SIGNS (Adopted no amendments)
I.PATIO COVERS (Adopted no amendments)
J.GRADING (Adopted no amendments)
N.REPLICABLE BUILDINGS (Adopted no amendments)

780 CMR, CHAPTER 115

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1532, eff. 10/11/2024.