780 CMR, ch. 110.00, 780 CMR 110R7, 110.R7.2

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
110.R7.2.1Application. Any candidate for certification in any category of building official issued pursuant to 780 CMR 110.R7 shall submit an application to the BBRS, accompanied by the required application fee (if any), on forms provided for this purpose by the BBRS. The application shall include such information and documentation as the BBRS may require pursuant to 780 CMR 110.R7.
110.R7.2.2Requirements for Certification as a Local Inspector:
110.R7.2.2.1Pre-exam Approval. All candidates shall meet or exceed the qualifications for the position of local inspector pursuant to M.G.L. c. 143, § 3 and 780 CMR prior to taking any examinations. The BOCC shall approve all candidates prior to taking any examinations and shall maintain a list of all qualified candidates for any and all city and towns appointing building officials.
110.R7.2.2.2Successful Examination. All candidates shall attain a passing score in all examinations required for certification as either a Building Plans Examiner (identified as Exams 1B, 1C, 3B and 3C) or Building Inspector (identified as Exams 1A, 1B and 3B) as defined by the National Certification Program for Construction Code Inspectors ("NCPCCI") or equivalent exam categories as approved by the BBRS for such purpose and as offered by the International Code Council ("ICC").
110.R7.2.2.3Prior Approval for Examination as a Local Inspector. No candidates shall be allowed to take said examinations without prior approval of the BBRS or the BOCC at the discretion of the BBRS.
110.R7.2.3Requirements for Certification as an Inspector of Buildings/Building Commissioner.
110.R7.2.3.1Pre-exam Approval. All candidates shall meet or exceed the qualifications for the position of inspector of buildings/building commissioner pursuant to M.G.L. c. 143, § 3 and 780 CMR prior to taking any examinations. All candidates shall meet the examination requirements for certification as a local inspector pursuant to 780 CMR 110.R7.2.2.2, or hold a certification as a local inspector pursuant to 780 CMR 110.R7.2.2. The BOCC shall approve all candidates prior to taking any examinations and shall maintain a list of all qualified candidates for any and all city and towns appointing building officials.
110.R7.2.3.2Successful Examination. All candidates shall attain a passing score in all examinations required for certification as a Certified Building Official as defined by the International Code Council ("ICC") or equivalent exam categories as approved by the BBRS for such purpose and as offered by the ICC.

EXCEPTION: Candidates may choose to attend on-boarding training as approved by the BBRS and as periodically offered. Successful completion of all on-boarding training requirements, including attaining a passing score on any and all requisite examinations, may be substituted for completion of the Codes and Standards Module of the ICC certification examinations as identified above. Candidates who utilize this exception shall also attain passing scores on the ICC Legal and Management Module examinations as identified above and shall satisfy all Local Inspector certification requirements as established by 780 CMR. Candidates who utilize this exception will be issued a Massachusetts Inspector of Buildings/Building Commissioner certification ("MCBO").

110.R7.2.3.3Prior Approval for Examination as an Inspector of Buildings/Building Commissioner. No candidates shall be allowed to take said examinations without prior approval of the BBRS, or the BOCC at the discretion of the BBRS.
110.R7.2.4Retired Persons. Any person who has been duly certified in accordance with 780 CMR 110.R7 and who retires from service in good standing, may petition the committee to receive "retired status" certification. Upon approval said certification shall be denoted "retired" and shall not be deemed revoked. Revocation shall only be invoked for cause. Any person who has been approved for retired status certification and who wishes to reactivate said certification shall comply with the examination schedule as defined in 780 CMR 110.R7 for the level of certification sought.
110.R7.2.5Notification Change of Employment Location. Conditional and certified individuals shall notify the BBRS of any change in the status or location of their employment. Notification shall be made to the BOCC Program Coordinator, current State Building Inspector for Municipality leaving and the State Building Inspector for new Municipality, within one month of such change.

780 CMR, ch. 110.00, 780 CMR 110R7, 110.R7.2

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1532, eff. 10/11/2024.