780 CMR, ch. 110.00, 780 CMR 110R3, 110.R3.7

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Subsection 110.R3.7 - The Office Inspections
110.R3.7.1General. The Office, as it deems necessary, may conduct a review of processes a manufacturer's processes and/or TPIA inspection practices or any other requirement governed by 780 CMR 110.R3. This may include any part of the entire process of manufacturing, certifying, handling, storing and transporting of product pursuant to approved plans. No inspection entailing disassembly, damage to or destruction of certified product shall be conducted except to implement 780 CMR 110.R3.
110.R3.7.2Damaged Product. Any finding of damage to product shall cause immediate notification to be made to the Office, TPIA and the manufacturer. Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Office shall inspect, or cause to be inspected, product which it determines to have been sufficiently damaged after certification to warrant such inspection and to take such action with regard to such product as is authorized hereof, or as is otherwise necessary to eliminate dangerous conditions. The local enforcement agencies may designate the Office as the inspection agency.
110.R3.7.2.1Repairing Damaged Components. The Office or a TPIA shall require product which are so damaged as to no longer comply with the applicable codes and 780 CMR 110.R3 to be repaired and made to comply within 14 days of discovery and after proper written notice to the manufacturer, installer and owner; or if they are so damaged that they cannot be brought into compliance, the Office or a TPIA shall order that the labels be removed and voided from such product. A report shall be filed with the TPIA and the Office. Irreparably damaged product shall be disposed of by the manufacturer, the CSL and/or owner.
110.R3.7.3TPIA Review. The Office or their designated agents shall audit a TPIA, at any reasonable time, and without prior announcement, in order to monitor the reliability of each TPIA and of its monitoring of quality assurance manuals. Each such audit shall investigate the adequacy of all procedures used by the agency in monitoring compliance assurance programs including inspection, tests, production methods, process controls, operator performance, materials, receipts, storage and handling, workmanship standards, records and all other activities which implement the quality assurance program in the manufacturing facility, during transport, or on-site (as applicable), and at subcontractors' facilities. The results of such audit shall be filed with the Office and sent to the TPIA in writing, within 14 days of discovery. The TPIA shall be notified of any deficiencies and of the manner and time by which such deficiencies shall be eliminated. If deemed necessary by the Office, a TPIA registration may be suspended or revoked. An audit may also be conducted by the Office before approving an inspection agency for first issuance of a registration.

780 CMR, ch. 110.00, 780 CMR 110R3, 110.R3.7

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1532, eff. 10/11/2024.