The total number of exempted flights for airports that have Operations eligible for exemption under 740 CMR 27.07 is set out in 740 CMR 27.14: Appendix A, which provides the number of flights based on the August 2003 published schedule (including allowance for Extra Sections) and an illustrative number of available exemptions per qualifying airport based on an assumed Peak Period of 4:00 P.M. to 7:59 P.M. The total number of exemptions available to the qualifying airport may be expanded or contracted, as the case may be, from the totals shown in 740 CMR 27.14: Appendix A to reflect the actual hours comprising the Peak Period and the flights conducted to and from such qualifying airport during said period based upon the August 2003 published schedule (including allowance for Extra Sections) provided, however, that each qualifying airport shall receive exemptions for a minimum of four total non-stop commercial passenger published schedule Operations per day during the Peak Period.
The total number of flights available for exemption under 740 CMR 27.08 shall be established at the time of application for and approval of such exemption request provided, however, that, if the Special Circumstances Exemption application is approved, subsequent adjustments (upward or downward, as the case may be) shall be made to reflect actual hours of the Peak Period and the flights conducted to and from such qualifying airport during said period based upon the August 2003 schedule (including allowance for Extra Sections), and provided further that each qualifying airport shall receive a minimum of four total non-stop commercial passenger published schedule Operations per day during the Peak Period.
740 CMR, § 27.09