The following terms and their grammatical counterparts are used in 703 CMR 5.00 as follows: Authority or MBTA refers to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority created by M.G.L. c. 161A.
Fare Evasion means failure or refusal to pay or prepay the required fare, or improper use of any reduced fare card, on any vehicle or ferry owned by or operated for the MBTA.
Fare Inspector means any person designated by the MBTA to verify that a passenger has paid the required fare and to issue a warning or noncriminal citation for failure to pay the required fare.
Fine means the amount assessed to a person for fare evasion.
Hearings Officer means the person or persons designated by the MBTA to hear appeals of noncriminal citations pursuant to 703 CMR 5.05(3).
Noncriminal Citation means a citation issued to a person who evades payment of a fare on any vehicle or ferry owned by or operated for the MBTA.
Warning means a written warning issued for a first offense of fare evasion within a three-year period.
703 CMR, § 5.02