606 CMR, § 10.02

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 10.02 - Definitions

Terms listed in 606 CMR 10.00 shall have the following meanings, unless the context requires otherwise.

Absence. Any day that a child is authorized to attend an early education and care program, but is not in attendance.

Approved Break-in-car. A written request, approved by EEC or a Family Access Administrator, to place a child care placement in inactive status for up to 90 consecutive days during the 12-month authorization period.

Assets. Items of value that may be converted into cash. Liquid assets include, but are not limited to, cash on hand, bank deposits, securities, lump sum payments, IRAs, and certain Keogh plans. The countable value of a liquid asset shall be its accessible cash value. Nonliquid assets are those that are not readily convertible to cash. These include land, buildings, and any real property. The countable value of a nonliquid asset shall be its equity value which is determined by fair market value less any encumbrances.

Authorization/Reauthorization. An assessment/reassessment and provision of financial assistance benefits to a family in accordance with regulations and policies defined by EEC.

Caregiver. A person who lives with, supervises, and cares for a child or children such as a foster parent, legal guardian (temporary or permanent), or designated caretaker.

Child. A person younger than 13 years old, or younger than 16 years old if such person has a disability.

Child Care Educator/Provider. A licensed or exempt center-based child care program, or a licensed, family-based child care program located within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCRR). An agency that contracts with EEC to provide child care resource information, referral services, and/or financial assistance management.

Child Care Financial Assistance. Financial assistance given to eligible parents for child care provided by a child care educator/provider pursuant to a contract or agreement with EEC, CCRR, or a contracted child care educator/provider.

Contracted Child Care Educator/Provider. A licensed, or license exempt, child care program or family child care system that holds a contract with EEC for the provision of child care services supported by EEC financial assistance.

Days. Calendar days, unless otherwise specified.

DCF. Massachusetts Department of Children and Families.

Dependent Child. A person younger than 18 years old, or a person younger than 24 years old if they are a full-time student.

Dependent Relative. A relative of the child receiving care who resides in the household with the child and is financially dependent on the child's parent(s), as certified in accordance with EEC policy.

DHCD. Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development.

Disability. One or both of the following:

(a) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (including but not limited to caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working as defined in M.G.L. c. 151B, § 1(20)) of a person, and/or
(b) a record of having such impairment. This definition is intended to be inclusive of the term 'handicap' as defined in M.G.L. c. 151B, § 1(17)(a) - (b). Disability is not intended to exclude participation in a substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program as a possible qualification for purposes of eligibility, nor other documented physical or mental impairments which may otherwise qualify an individual for financial assistance at the discretion of EEC.

Domestic Violence. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, psychological, or technological actions or threats of actions or other patterns of coercive behavior that influence another person within an intimate partner relationship. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.

DTA. Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance.

EEC. Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care, the state education agency for the purposes of early education and care services as created and authorized pursuant to M.G.L. c. 15D.

Eligible Family. A family that qualifies for a child care financial assistance based on criteria determined by EEC in regulation and policy.

ESOL. An English language training program for people whose primary language is not English.

Excessive Explained Absence. More than 45 non-attended days, including any unexplained absences, within a 12-month authorization period, or more than 15 non-attended days during an initial 12-week provisional authorization period. Explained absences shall include, but not be limited to: absences due to child illness, death in the family, emergency circumstances, religious holidays, and vacation days.

Excessive Unexplained Absence. A non-approved break in care that shall subject a family to possible termination of financial assistance in accordance with 606 CMR 10.10 and EEC policy.

Family. One of the following:

(a) Parent(s) or caregivers and their dependent child(ren) and any dependent relative(s) who reside in the same household; or
(b) A young parent and their child(ren) who reside in the same household.

Family Access Administrator. A person or organization authorized or designated by EEC to conduct eligibility determinations for child care financial assistance, subject to EEC oversight and review.

Full Time Child Care. Care for at least 25 hours but not more than 50 hours per week at any one placement, unless otherwise approved by EEC.

Full Time Service Need. Participation in an approved activity for an average of 25 hours or more per week.

Guardian Child. A child on whose behalf a caregiver has legal authority to make decisions and provide care.

Homeless Family. A family meeting the requirements established under the McKinney-Vento Act (42 U.S.C. 11434 a) as certified in accordance with EEC policy.

Informal Child Care Provider. An individual who meets informal child care provider standards and requirements established by EEC and is exempt from EEC licensure because the individual either provides care in the child's own home or is a relative of the child.

Intentional Program Violation (IPV). A parent's intentional non-adherence to EEC's financial assistance requirements, including: not reporting a non-temporary change to the family's income exceeding 85% SMI; an out of state change of address; a change in contact information; inaccurately reporting income at eligibility authorization/reauthorization; and non-payment of fees.

Non-approved Break in Care. A child care placement that has been inactive (not used) for more than 30 consecutive days during a 12-month authorization, or more than 20 days during a 12-week provisional authorization, unless the family has requested and received an approved break in care. A non-approved break in care shall subject a family to possible termination of financial assistance in accordance with 606 CMR 10.10.

Non-temporary Change. A change to a parent's circumstances, including: increases in total household income exceeding 85% SMI; changes in family contact information; changes in household composition for more than 30 total days in a 12-month authorization; changes in child custody arrangements; any out of state change in address; or any change or cessation of a parent's work, training, or education participation that lasts for more than 12 weeks.

Parent. A biological or adoptive parent or stepparent who resides in the household with their dependent child(ren), or a caregiver.

Part Time Child Care. Care up to 25 hours per week.

Part Time Service Need. Participation in an approved activity for an average of 20 hours, but less than 25 hours per week.

Protective Services. Any parent authorized for child care financial assistance based on DTA referral or a clinical decision by DCF, including foster care; any parent who is unable to provide child care for any portion of a 24-hour day due to a situation of domestic violence or homelessness; a physical, mental, emotional, or medical condition; or participation in a substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation program.

Provisional Authorization. An authorization for 12 weeks to support parents who are seeking an approved activity, certifying an activity or employment, enrolled in a non-approved training program, including parents who lose their approved activity during the last 30 days prior to reauthorization.

Referral. A notice issued by DTA, DFC, or DHCD that a family is eligible for child care funding.

Relative. Sibling, aunt, uncle, or grandparent, whether by birth, marriage, or adoption.

State Median Income (SMI). The dollar amount which represents the midpoint in a rank ordering of the incomes of all families of the same size in Massachusetts.

Substantiated Fraud. Intentionally providing false or misleading information or documentation to EEC or Family Access Administrator for the purpose of establishing or maintaining eligibility or increasing the level of child care assistance that has been verified as false or misleading by EEC or Family Access Administrator; or the intentional concealing or withholding of information for the purpose of establishing or maintaining eligibility or increasing the level of child care assistance as determined by the Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI).

TAFDC. Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children.

Temporary Change. A change to a parent's circumstances including: any time-limited absence from a parent's approved activity due to an illness or need to care for a family member; any interruption in work for a seasonal worker who is not working between regular industry work seasons; any reduction in work, training or education hours, as long as the parent is still working or attending training or education; any other cessation of a parent's approved activity that does not exceed 12 weeks; and any change in residency within the Commonwealth.

Vocational Training Program. An approved program other than graduate school, which is intended to teach a specific skill leading to employment.

Voucher Child Care Educator/Provider. A program or individual who provides child care services pursuant to an EEC voucher services agreement.

Young Parent. A biological parent who is younger than 24 years old, and who resides in the household with their dependent child(ren). This shall include young parents who attain the age of 24 years old during their third trimester of pregnancy.

606 CMR, § 10.02

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1385, eff. 2/22/2019.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1480, eff. 10/14/2022.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1505, eff. 9/29/2023.