Major is any eligible lender who loans library materials to nonresidents.
Nonresident is a Massachusetts resident who is not a resident of the reporting municipality. Nonresident status is defined by the local municipality but cannot be more restrictive than the U.S. Bureau of the Census definition of resident in effect at the beginning of the reporting period.
Nonresident circulation is the direct, over-the-counter loan of library materials, including renewals of these items, to nonresidents.
Total number of nonresident loans is the actual total count, either using a manual or an automated system, of direct, over-the-counter loans of library materials, including renewals of these items, to all nonresidents.
Total number of eligible nonresident loans is the actual count, either using a manual or an automated system, of direct, over-the-counter loans of library materials, including renewals of these items, to all nonresidents who are residents of municipalities certified to receive State Aid to Public Libraries during the reporting period.
605 CMR, § 4.02