521 CMR, § 23.4

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 23.4 - PARKING SPACES

Shall comply with the following:

23.4.1 Width: Accessible parking spaces shall be at least eight feet (8' = 2438mm) wide, plus the access aisle.
23.4.2 Length: The length of accessible parking spaces shall be at least the same as for parking spaces generally in accordance with 780 CMR: The State Building Code or local zoning requirements. Parked vehicles shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route by overhanging or protruding into it.
23.4.3 Slope: Parking spaces shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions.

Exception: When temporary accessible parking is located within a field or otherwise unpaved area, when such site has not been improved in accordance with 521 CMR, the spaces shall be located on the least sloping area of the parking lot.

23.4.4 Surface: Spaces shall have a uniform, paved or hard packed smooth surface.

Exception: Temporary accessible parking spaces shall have, at minimum, a hard packed, smooth surface with a minimum amount of pooling or draining water.

23.4.5 Delineation: Accessible spaces shall be marked by high contrast painted lines or other high contrast delineation.

Exception: Temporary accessible parking spaces shall be easily identifiable, such as lined with field markings, paint or field tape. Traffic cones or barrels may be used to identify parking spaces where field markings, paint, or field tape cannot be used given the surface condition.

23.4.6Access aisles: All accessible spaces shall have access aisles that comply with the following:
a. Parking access aisles shall be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance and shall comply with 521 CMR 20.00: ACCESSIBLE ROUTE.

Exception: For temporary accessible parking, directional signage along the entire accessible route, using the international symbol of accessibility and an arrow, shall be used to direct people to the closest accessible entrance.

b.Access aisles adjacent to accessible spaces shall be five feet (5' = 1524mm) wide minimum, except adjacent to van accessible spaces the access aisle shall be a minimum of eight feet (8' = 2438mm) wide.

Exception: When temporary accessible parking is located within a field or otherwise unpaved site, when such area has not been improved in accordance with 521 CMR, the spaces shall be located on the least sloping area of the parking lot in conjunction with the temporary accessible parking spaces.

c. Two accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle. SeeFig. 23a and 23b.

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d.Access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions.
e.Access aisles shall be clearly marked by means of diagonal stripes.
23.4.7 Van Accessible spaces shall comply with the following:
a. Provide minimum vertical clearance of eight feet, two inches (8'2" = 2489mm) at the parking space and along at least one vehicle access route to such spaces from site entrance(s) and exit(s). SeeFig. 23c.

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b. Each space shall have a sign designating it "Van Accessible" as required by 521 CMR 23.6, Signage.
c. All such spaces may be grouped on one level of a parking structure.
d. Eight foot minimum (8' = 2438mm) wide space.
e. Provide an access aisle of eight feet (8' = 2438mm).

Exception: Van accessible spaces do not have to be separately provided if all required accessible parking spaces are 11 feet wide (11' = 3353mm) with a five foot (5' = 1524mm) access aisle.

521 CMR, § 23.4