The following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context of 430 CMR 14.01 through 14.10:
Commissioner means the commissioner as defined by M.G.L. c. 151A, §1.
High concentration of low-skilled workers means an incidence of workers who lack high school degrees or hold low wage jobs which exceeds the average incidence of such workers in the Massachusetts labor force.
High level of unemployment means an unemployment rate which equaled or exceeded 125% of the statewide average unemployment rate during the most recent calendar year.
Low-wage worker means a worker whose average weekly wage is less than 50% of the most recent average weekly wage as determined under M.G.L. c. 151A, § 29 subsection (a).
Region means service delivery area as defined by 20 CFR §626.5.
Regional employment board means the board established by St. 1988 c. 164, § 105.
Small business means an enterprise with less than 500 employees.
Technical Assistance means one or more of the following activities: helping companies or their employees identify their training needs and link such needs to a training plan; developing that training plan; providing information on potential training providers to companies or their employees; and assisting applicants to complete applications for training grants from the Workforce Training Fund or other sources.
Wage sufficient to support a family means a wage which exceeds 50% of most recent average weekly wage as determined under M.G.L. c. 151A, § 29 subsection (a).
Workforce development blueprint means the analysis conducted from time to time by Regional Employment Boards of industry and occupational growth trends at the service delivery area level.
Workforce Training Fund means the Fund established by M.G.L. c. 29, § 2RR and funded under M.G.L. c. 151A, § 14L for the purpose of providing grants and assistance for worker training. Such Fund is separate and distinct from the employer's unemployment insurance contributions accounts and from the solvency account established under M.G.L. c. 151A, §14.
Workforce Training Fund Advisory Panel means a standing advisory body consisting of members of the Advisory Council as established by M.G.L. c. 23, § 9N(a) and other individuals who possess an expertise in private sector workforce training as selected by the commissioner. Such other individuals may include persons drawn from industries, labor organizations and enterprises with substantial experience in the design and delivery of such training; persons who by background and experience are able to evaluate the financial condition of business enterprises and can therefore offer an informed opinion as to whether the award of a training grant to a company would represent a sound investment of public dollars; persons whose primary responsibilities are to represent and advocate for the workplace interests of employees; and persons who have substantial experience in analyzing the effectiveness of workforce training strategies. The number of such individuals shall not exceed five. The duties and responsibilities of such body are, but are not limited to,
1. assisting in the development of policies and procedures for carrying out the provisions of section M.G.L. c. 29, § 2RR;
2. evaluating the outcomes of the grants or technical assistance provided under said M.G.L. c. 29, § 2RR;
3. recommending changes to existing policies and procedures,
4. providing advice and recommendations to the commissioner regarding the approval of applications for funds for training grants in accordance with 430 CMR 14.07(2);
5. providing advice and recommendations to the commissioner regarding the approval of applications for funds for technical assistance activities, and
6. providing advice and comments to the commissioner on the report to the legislature required by M.G.L. c. 29, §2RR(d).
430 CMR, § 14.03