For the purpose of 333 CMR 7.00, the definitions set forth in 333 CMR 2.00 and in 333 CMR 7.02 apply, unless the context or subject matter required a different interpretation.
Cooperator, any person who grants permission to a permittee or a permittee's designed participant for the use of an experimental use pesticide at an application site owned or controlled by the cooperator.
Participant, any person acting as a representative of the permittee and responsible for making available for use, or supervising the use or evaluation of, and experimental use pesticide to be applied at a specific application site.
Permittee, any applicant to whom an experimental use permit has been granted.
New Chemical, shall refer to any chemical not contained in one or more federally registered pesticide products.
Unregistered-use, shall refer to any experimental use of a federally registered pesticide product not otherwise prohibited by accepted labeling.
New Product, shall be any product that is not registered federally and one with a composition of matter containing active and inert ingredients currently found in other federally registered products consistent with 40 CFR 172.24(c)(2).
333 CMR, § 7.02