325 CMR 2.00 was adopted by the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission, pursuant to its Statement of Practices and Procedures, at its regular meeting of March 26, 1985 and after public hearings in Hartford, Connecticut on February 26, 1985, Greenfield, Massachusetts on March1, 1985 and in White River Junction, Vermont on March 6, 1985. 325 CMR 2.00 is adopted under the authority of the statutes of Connecticut (Chap. 494, Sec. 26-302), Massachusetts (St. 1981, c. 716 as amended by St. 1983 c. 610), New Hampshire (108:1, 1979), and Vermont (Chap. 112, Sec. 4651-4662; 1979, No. 89) and by the consent of the U.S. Congress ( Public Law 98-138, 97 Stat. 866).
325 CMR 2.00 is designed to conserve the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon.
325 CMR, § 2.01