Baseline Vessel means the overall length of the authorized vessel listed on the permit when the permit was first issued in 1992 or the overall length of the most recently upgraded vessel.
Eligibility Period means January 1, 1989 through the April 2, 1992 commercial fisheries control date described in 322 CMR 7.04.
Mobile Gear means any movable fishing gear or nets which are set, towed, hauled, or dragged through the water for the harvest of fish, squid, and shellfish including, but not limited to, otter trawls, beam trawls, bottom and mid-water pair trawls, Scottish seines, Danish seines, pair seines, purse seines, and sea scallop dredges.
Vessel Overall Length means the horizontal distance between the outboard side of the foremost part of the stem and the outboard side of the after most part of the stern, excluding rudders, outboard motor brackets, and other similar fittings and attachments.
322 CMR, § 7.05