Batch means all shellfish in each separate container.
Bushel means a standard 32-quart (volume) container.
Dredge means any variety of towed devices which utilize blades, knives or teeth to dig into the substrate and remove shellfish, including the hydraulic dredge which utilizes pumped water to enhance fishing performance.
Effective Fishing Width means the width of the sea bottom from which the dredge collects shellfish, including the width of the blades and carriers, bars, wires, suction heads or similar structures or openings, including any water jet area, which affect the swath or overall width of the path from which the shellfish are taken.
Hinge Width means the distance between the convex apex of the right shell and the convex apex of the left shell, also known as shell thickness.
Quahog means the hard clam or bay quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria), including its various subspecies.
State Waters, for purposes of 322 CMR 6.36, means those waters between the outer jurisdiction of the coastal cities and towns to regulate shellfish pursuant to M.G.L. c. 130, § 52, as appearing on official maps of the Commonwealth prepared pursuant to M.G.L. c. 1, § 3 and the outer fisheries jurisdiction of the Commonwealth (Territorial Sea), including all of Nantucket Sound outside town jurisdiction and west of 70.00E longitude.
322 CMR, § 6.36