Bottom or Sink Gillnet means a gillnet, anchored or otherwise, that is designed to be, capable of being, or is fished on or near the bottom in the lower third of the water column.
Day means any 24-hour period.
1-day Fishing Trip means a trip 24 hours or less.
2-day Fishing Trip means a trip greater than 24 hours up to 48 hours.
3-day Fishing Trip means a trip greater than 48 hours up to 72 hours.
4-day Fishing Trip means a trip greater than 72 hours up to 96 hours.
5-day Fishing Trip means a trip greater than 96 hours up to 120 hours.
Lobster Car means any container, enclosure or any other container or contrivance designed to hold and store lobster away from the vessel.
Lobster Crate means a covered container with a volume equal to or less than 3.9 cubic feet.
Mobile Gear means any movable or encircling fishing gear or nets which are set, towed, hauled or dragged through the water for the harvest of fish, squid, and shellfish including but not limited to otter trawls, beam trawls, mid-water trawls, bottom and mid-water pair trawls, Scottish seines, Danish seines, pair seines, purse seines, shellfish dredges, and sea scallop dredges.
Net Hauler means any device capable of pulling all or portions of gillnets out of the sea for the purpose of removing catches of lobster and fish.
Rigged for Netting means a vessel having a trawl net and doors on board.
Trips Greater than Five Days means a trip greater than 120 hours.
322 CMR, § 6.26