American Plaice means that species known as Hippoglossoides platessoides, and commonly referred to as dab or American dab.
Cod means that species of fish known as Gadus morhua.
Commercial Fisher means any person permitted in accordance with M.G.L. c. 130, § 80 and 322 CMR 7.01(2) to retain, possess, or land multi-species groundfish for purpose of sale, barter, or exchange or who keeps for personal or family use any regulated multi-species groundfish taken under the authority of said permit.
For-hire Vessel means a vessel permitted in accordance with 322 CMR 7.10(5)(a): Permit Categories to carry paying customers for the purpose of recreational fishing.
Gonads means sex glands commonly known as ovaries or testes or any portions thereof removed from fish and retained for purposes of sale.
Gulf of Maine Groundfish Management Area means those waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth north of 42°00' including waters of Cape Cod Bay and the Cape Cod Canal that is bounded to the west by a line drawn from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy to the Bell's Neck Rd./Tidal Flats Recreation Area. This area also includes all estuaries and salt ponds that drain to these waters.
Haddock means that species of fish known as Melanogrammus aegleinus.
Halibut means that species of fish known as Hippoglossus hippoglossus.
Land means to transfer or off load any regulated multi-species groundfish onto any vessel, boat, watercraft, land, dock, pier, wharf or other artificial structure used for the purpose of receiving fish.
Maximum Retention Electronic Monitoring Program means the federal program established pursuant to Amendment 23 to the New England Fishery Management Council's Northeast Multi-Species Fishery Management Plan and authorized pursuant to 50 CFR Part 648, for vessels permitted by NOAA Fisheries to participate in the federal sector program for the regulated multi-species groundfish fishery and whereby all eligible trips are electronically monitored; fish must be handled in view of cameras; allowed discarding must occur at controlled points in view of cameras; all allocated regulated multi-species groundfish must be retained; electronic monitoring is used to verify compliance; and off loads are subject to observation by dockside monitors.
Monkfish means the species of fish known as Lophius americanus.
Monkfish Tail means the section between the first, short, slender spine of the dorsal fin (fourth cephalic spine) and the end of the tail (caudal fin).
Monkfish Whole Weight means tail weight multiplied by 2.91 conversion factor.
Ocean Pout means the species of fish known as Macrozoarces americanus.
Pollock means that species of fish known as Pollachius virens.
Recreational Fisher means any person who harvests or attempts to harvest fish for personal or family use, sport or pleasure, and which are not sold, bartered, or exchanged.
Recreational Fishing means fishing with hand-held gear other than nets for a purpose or use other than sale, exchange or barter.
Redfish means that species of fish known as Sebastes fasciatus.
Regulated Multi-species Groundfish means inclusively, American plaice, cod, haddock, halibut, monkfish, ocean pout, pollock, redfish, windowpane flounder, winter flounder, witch flounder, wolfish and yellowtail flounder.
Southern New England Groundfish Management Area means those waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth south of 42°00' excluding waters of Cape Cod Bay, but including Pleasant Bay and Nauset Harbor and all connecting embayments in the County of Barnstable as well as all estuaries and salt ponds that drain to these waters.
Total Length means the greatest straight line length as measured on a fish with its mouth closed from the anterior most tip of the jaw or snout to the farthest end of the tail. For fish with forked tails, the upper and lower fork may be squeezed together to measure the tail extremity.
Trip means the time period that begins when a fishing vessel departs from a dock, berth, beach, seawall, ramp or port to carry out commercial fishing operations and that terminates with a return to a dock, berth, seawall, ramp or port.
Windowpane Flounder means that species of fish Scophthalmus aquosus.
Winter Flounder means that species of fish known commonly as blackback Pseudopleuronectes americanus.
Witch Flounder means gray sole or that species of fish known as Glyptocephalus cynoglossus.
Wolffish means that species of fish known as Anarhichas lupus.
Yellowtail Flounder means that species of fish known as Limanda ferruginea.
322 CMR, § 6.03