Alcoholic Beverage shall be defined as in M.G.L. 138, § 1.
Camping means the utilization of any piece of equipment for sleeping in or upon, including, but not limited to, a sleeping bag, hammock, tent, tarp, motor vehicle, recreational vehicle, trailer, or watercraft, for the purpose of occupying a piece of land or water for transient and temporary outdoor living.
Controlled Substance and Counterfeit Substance shall be defined as in M.G.L. c. 94C, § 1.
Director means the Director of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Installation means fish hatcheries, wildlife district offices, and the Westborough field headquarters.
Nature Preserve means those lands, waters, shores and interests therein as defined and established pursuant to 321 CMR 11.00 and administered under provisions of M.G.L. c. 131, §§ 10A through 10D.
Wildlife Management Area means any real property, except installations, nature preserves and wildlife sanctuaries, owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife and subject to the control and charge of said Division, or owned by or subject to the control and charge of another agency of the Commonwealth or political subdivision thereof or of the United States and operated or managed by the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife under lease, easement, or cooperative agreement as a wildlife management area. Additionally, the Director, with the approval of the Fisheries and Wildlife Board, may, by lease, easement, or cooperative agreement establish a wildlife management area with a partnership, corporation, whether profit or non-profit, firm, business, or other commercial or non-commercial entity, club, organization, or association and such area shall be subject to provisions of 321 CMR 3.01(1). For the purposes of 321 CMR 3.01(1), "wildlife management area" shall be construed as inclusive of "public shooting ground".
Wildlife Sanctuary means those lands, waters, shores, and interests therein as defined in 321 CMR 7.01(2)(e) and administered under provisions of M.G.L. c. 131, §§ 7 through 10, or any other lands designated by the Director as subject to 321 CMR 7.01.
Breakneck Brook Wildlife Management Area (WMA)
Fish Brook WMA
Lawrence Brook WMA
Leadmine WMA
McKinstry Brook WMA
Merrill Pond WMA
Moose Brook WMA
Muddy Brook WMA
Poutwater WMA
Prince River WMA
Quisset WMA
Raccoon Hill WMA
Savage Hill WMA
Wolf Swamp WMA
Connecticut Valley Wildlife District:
Catamount WMA
Coy Hill WMA
East Mountain WMA
Facing Rock WMA
Lake Warner WMA
Leadmine WMA
Ludlow WMA
Millers River WMA (Wendell)
Montague WMA
Mt. Toby WMA
Orange WMA
Palmer WMA
Satan's Kingdom WMA
Tully Mountain WMA
Wales WMA
Warwick WMA
Wendell WMA
Westfield WMA
Whately WMA
Williamsburg WMA
Northeast Wildlife District:
Boxborough Station WMA
Dunstable Brook WMA
Hunting Hills WMA
Mulpus Brook WMA
Nissitissit River WMA
Pantry Brook WMA
Salisbury Marsh WMA
William Forward WMA
Southeast Wildlife District:
Black Brook WMA
Burrage Pond WMA
Canoe River WMA
Church Homestead WMA
Copicut WMA Dartmoor Farms WMA
English Salt Marsh WMA
Freetown Swamp WMA
Haskell Swamp WMA
Hockomock Swamp WMA
(exclusive of Erwin S. Wilder Section)
Hyannis Ponds WMA
Mashpee Pine Barrens WMA
Meetinghouse Swamp WMA
Peterson Swamp WMA
Purchade Brook WMA
Quashnet River WMA
Red Brook WMA
Rochester WMA
Rocky Gutter WMA
Sly Pond WMA
Taunton River WMA
West Meadows WMA
Western Wildlife District:
Becket WMA Chalet WMA
Cummington WMA
Day Mountain WMA
Dolomite Ledges WMA
Fairfield Brook WMA
Farmington River WMA
Fisk Meadows WMA
Fox Den WMA
Green River WMA
Hancock WMA
Hiram H. Fox WMA
John J. Kelly Memorial Forest and WMA
Jug End State Reservation and WMA
Lily Pond WMA
Maple Hill WMA
Mount Tekoa WMA
Otis WMA Peru WMA
Powell Brook WMA
Savoy WMA
Taconic Ridge WMA
Three Mile Pond WMA
Walnut Hill WMA
321 CMR, § 3.01(1)