An Industrial User with a discharge to a sewer system and which the Department determines is classified by the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes, or the corresponding North America Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, is subject to 314 CMR 7.03(2) and 314 CMR 7.05(1)(h):
1000-1399 | Metal Mining, Coal Mining, Oil and Gas Exploration; |
1474-1499 | Chemical/Fertilizer Mining, Nonmetallic Minerals; |
2000-3999 | Manufacturing; |
4231 | Maintenance Facilities for Motor Freight Transport; |
4581 | Airports, Flying Fields and Airport Terminal Service; |
4911-4939 | Electric and Gas Production; |
4953 | Refuse Systems; |
7216 | Dry-cleaning (except rug cleaning); |
7217 | Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning; |
7218 | Industrial Laundries; |
7384 | Photofinishing Laboratories; |
7532-7539 | Automotive Repair Shops and Paint Shops; |
7549 | Automotive Services; |
7819 | Motion Picture Developing/Printing/Film Processing; |
8062-8069 | Hospitals; |
8071 | Medical Laboratories; |
8072 | Dental Laboratories; |
8731 | Commercial Physical and Biological Research; and |
Remedial discharges under M.G.L. c. 21E at any active or inactive facility falling in one or more of the above SIC Code categories.
314 CMR, § 7.17