User Segment Name | Process Code* or Process Description | Product |
(1) power generation | JJ-01 | Electricity or Steam |
(2) electroplating (barrell and rack) | AA12, AA13 | plated part |
(3) deionization, demineralization | HH-01 | treated water |
(4) forging | CC-03 | forged metal part |
(5) smelting | DD-07 | smelted metal |
(6) welding | CC-09 | welded metal part |
(7) heat treating of metal | CC-04 | metal part |
(8) refrigeration material | II-01 | chilled fluid |
(9) pH adjustment solution | EE-08,HH-03 | treated water |
(10) jet printing | AA-11 | printed material |
(11) screen printing | AA-08 | printed material |
(12) pad printing | AA-09 | printed material |
(13) printing (letterpress, (flexographic, lithographic) | AA-05, aA-06, AA-07 | printed material |
(14) equipment cleaning | FF-01, FF-02, FF-03 | clean equipment |
(15) parts cleaning | BB-01, BB-02, BB-03 | clean part |
(16) casting/molding plastic | CC-01 | plastic part |
(17) casting molding | CC-01 | metal part |
(18) adhesives or sealant blending, mixing, compoundin | GG-01 g | adhesive or sealant products produced by toxics users classified by sic code 2891 |
*DEP'S instructions for completing toxics use reports contains a list of process codes.
310 CMR, § 50.72