310 CMR 30.852: Classification of License Modifications
Note: When a license modification (such as introduction of a new unit) requires a change in facility plans or other general facility standards, that change shall be reviewed under the same procedures as the license modification.
Table 310 CMR 30.852 - Classification of License Modifications (con't)
Note: See 310 CMR 30.852(7) for modification procedures to be used for the management of newly listed or identified wastes.
- the tank difference is no more than 1500 gallons
- the facility's licensed tank capacity is not increased, and
- the replacement tank meets the same conditions in the license 1
Appendix I, sections H through K, exclusive of notes, is hereby incorporated by reference 3
Note: See 310 CMR 30.852(7) for modification procedures to be used for the management of newly listed or identified wastes.
1 Requires prior approval by the Department.
310 CMR, § 30.852