310 CMR, § 30.804

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 30.804 - Additional Requirements for Facility License Applications

Each facility license application shall state whether the facility is a new facility or an existing facility, whether the application is a first or revised application, and shall include at least the following additional information. The extent of such information, and of any additional information that may be requested by the Department, shall be determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis, depending upon the specifics of the proposed facility or activity and its location.

(1) The names and qualifications of the emergency coordinator and all persons who at any time may be placed in charge of facility operations.
(2) The names and qualifications of key management personnel at the hazardous waste facility.
(3) A U.S.G.S. topographic map showing the location of the site.
(4) Two sets of maps, of which:
(a) One set shall show a distance of 1000 feet around the facility, shall be at a scale of 2.5 cm. equal to not more than 61.0 meters unless specified otherwise by 310 CMR 30.804(19)(k)3. or M.G.L. c. 21C, and shall include, but not be limited to:
1. topographic contours sufficient to clearly show the pattern of water flow in the vicinity of and from each operational unit in the facility;
2. map scale and date;
3. legal boundaries of the site;
4. geology of the site area;
5. groundwater locations;
6. surface water locations;
7. location of residences;
8. roads and access control;
9. wells;
10.100-year flood elevations; and
11. seismic data, as may be required by the Department.
(b) The other set shall show all aspects of the proposed facility and associated works, including landscaping.
(c) The Department may require that a hydrogeologic study be submitted to the Department.
(5) A description of physical and chemical analyses which the applicant intends to use in treating, storing, using, or disposing of hazardous waste and hazardous debris in compliance with 310 CMR 30.600.
(6) The general waste analysis plan required by 310 CMR 30.513.
(7) The security plan required by 310 CMR 30.514, including any demonstration which the applicant wishes to make pursuant to 310 CMR 30.514(2).
(8) The inspection plan required by 310 CMR 30.515.
(9) The personnel training plan required by 310 CMR 30.516.
(10) The contingency plans and emergency procedures required by 310 CMR 30.520 through 30.524, including any justification for the determination referred to in 310 CMR 30.524(2).
(11) Detailed engineering plans and specifications of the hazardous waste facility including, without limitation, on-site traffic pattern diagrams, on-site traffic volume and control data, on-site access road surfacing and load-bearing capacity information, and designation of traffic-control signals and estimates of traffic volume.
(12) The closure plan required by 310 CMR 30.583.
(13) The post-closure plan required by 310 CMR 30.593, if applicable.
(14) All meteorological data relevant to the facility, including prevailing winds, as may be required by the Department.
(15) Data regarding land subject to flooding as specified in 310 CMR 30.701.
(16) A description of how the applicant intends to meet the financial responsiblity requirements of 310 CMR 30.900.
(17) If the owner or operator of the facility is not the owner of the site on which, or the buildings in which, the proposed activity will take place, a copy of the lease(s) or other written agreement(s) between the owner or operator and the owner of the site or building(s).
(18) For each facility that stores, treats or disposes of hazardous waste in a surface impoundment:
(a) A list of all hazardous wastes placed or to be placed in each surface impoundment.
(b) Detailed plans and an engineering report describing how the surface impoundment is or shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.612, including a description of:
1. The liner system, including the leak detection, collection and removal system, and for each new impoundment, the elevation of the probable high groundwater level;
2. Measures for prevention of overtopping and the maintenence of freeboard;
3. The means to shut off flow into the impoundment in the event of an emergency;
4. Measures for diversion of run-on from the impoundment; and
5. The design of the dikes and measures for maintaining their structural integrity.
(c) If applicable, a demonstration of waste/liner compatibility in compliance with 310 CMR 30.614(6).
(d) A description of how each surface impoundment, including the liner and cover systems and appurtenances for control of overtopping, shall be inspected in order to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.614(1) and (3). This information shall be included in the inspection plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(8).
(e) The owner or operator shall submit a statement by an independent Massachusetts registered professional engineer that he will provide a certification, in accordance with 310 CMR 30.614(2), upon completion of the liner system in accordance with 310 CMR 30.614(1).
(f) A certification by an independent Massachusetts registered professional engineer which attests to the structural integrity of each dike as required by 310 CMR 30.614(4). For each new unit, the owner or operator shall submit a statement by an independent Massachusetts registered professional engineer that he will provide such a certification upon completion of construction in compliance with the plans and specifications.
(g) A description and listing of all procedures and equipment used to clean and/or expose the liner surface of the impoundment.
(h) A description of the procedure to be used for removing a surface impoundment from service, as required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.615(2) and (3). This information shall be included in the contingency plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(10).
(i) If ignitable or reactive wastes are to be placed in a surface impoundment, an explanation of how 310 CMR 30.616(1) and (2) shall be complied with.
(j) If incompatible hazardous wastes or materials incompatible with hazardous waste will be placed in a surface impoundment, an explanation of how 310 CMR 30.616(3) shall be complied with.
(k) A description of how hazardous waste residues and contaminated materials will be removed from the unit at closure, as required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.617(1) or

30.617(2)(a), as applicable.

(l) For existing impoundments from which the owner or operator does not intend to remove all hazardous waste residues and contaminated materials at closure, a justification demonstrating that it is impracticable to do so. For any wastes not to be removed from the unit upon closure, the owner or operator shall submit detailed plans and an engineering report describing how 310 CMR 30.617(2)(b) and (4) shall be complied with. This information shall be included in the closure plan and the post-closure plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(12) and 30.804(13).
(m) If polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons are to be placed in a surface impoundment, a management plan for such placement pursuant to 310 CMR 30.616(5).
(n) Information, reasonably ascertainable by the owner or operator, on the potential for the public to be exposed to hazardous wastes or hazardous consitituents through releases related to the unit. At a minimum such information shall address:
1. Reasonably foreseeable potential releases from both normal operations and accidents at the unit, including releases associated with transportation to or from the unit;
2. The potential pathways of human exposure to hazardous wastes or constituents resulting from the releases described in 310 CMR 30.804(18)(n)1.; and
3. The potential magnitude and nature of the human exposure resulting from such releases.
(19) For each facility that disposes of hazardous waste in a landfill:
(a) A list of all hazardous wastes to be placed in each landfill or landfill cell.
(b) Detailed plans and an engineering report describing how the landfill shall be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to comply with the requirements of 310 CMR 30.622, including a description of:
1. The location of the probable high groundwater level in relation to the landfill liners;
2. The design of the double liner system, including the leak detection, collection and removal system between the liners and the leachate collection and removal system above the liners;
3. The foundation or base for the liners;
4. Measures for control of run-on;
5. Measures for control of run-off;
6. How collection and holding facilities associated with run-on and run-off control systems will be managed;
7. Measures for control of wind dispersal of particulate matter, where applicable;
8. Any gas migration and emission control systems used at the facility; and
9. Any leachate treatment and/or disposal systems at the facility site.
(c) A demonstration of waste/liner compatibility in compliance with 310 CMR 30.623.
(d) A description of how each landfill, including the liner and cover systems, shall be inspected in order to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.624(1) and (3). This information shall be included in the inspection plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(8).
(e) A map which meets the requirements of 310 CMR 30.626.
(f) If incompatible wastes are to be landfilled, an explanation of how 310 CMR 30.628(2) shall be complied with.
(g) If containers of hazardous waste are to be landfilled, a description of how 310 CMR 30.629 and 30.630 shall be complied with;
(h) A copy of the stabilization/solidification plan required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.632.
(i) Detailed plans and an engineering report describing the final cover which shall be applied to each landfill or landfill cell at closure in compliance with 310 CMR 30.633(1), and a description of how each landfill shall be maintained and monitored after closure in compliance with 310 CMR 30.633(2). This information shall be included in the closure and post-closure plans submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(12) and (13).
(j) An indication of the maximum depth of fill of wastes for any portion of the landfill.
(k) Detailed design drawings, profiles, and maps of the landfill and surrounding geology and hydrology showing the depth to the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility, topographic contours, and a characterization of consolidated and unconsolidated deposits in the vicinity of the site. A detailed description of the hydrology and geology shall accompany the drawings and maps, including:
1. A listing of all pertinent published and open file text material and mapping available from the Department, the United States Geological Survey, the Soil Conservation Service, the Massachusetts Water Resources Commission and other agencies. Text material and mapping from such public sources relied upon in preparing the description shall be referenced and that which was not relied upon shall be discussed with reference to the reasons it was not used. Any other published or unpublished text material or mapping used in preparing the description shall also be referenced.
2. The logs of borings, test pits and wells taken to establish or improve the understanding of the geology and the hydrology of the area of the waste disposal activity and the location of all such borings, wells, and test pits established by field survey.
3. A detailed set of maps, drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch, and profiles of the disposal site and surrounding area including, but not limited to, the names and locations of all streams (intermittent or perennial), ponds and groundwater systems. All wells supplying public water systems and all existing wells shall be shown on the map.
4. A description of any change in topographic contours, consolidated rock profiles, groundwater profiles and groundwater flow that will result from the construction or operation of the facility.
5. A characterization of the consolidated and unconsolidated materials in the site vicinity with regard to: type of material, grain size distribution, permeability, porosity, weathering (of consolidated rock), fracturing (of consolidated rock and clay), fault zones (of consolidated rock) and swelling (of clay).
6. A description, including maps and profiles, of the groundwater flow system as shown on a flow net.
7. A report describing the present quality of the groundwater and surface waters in the vicinity of the proposed facility, as determined by chemical analyses, and of any groundwater and surface waters which may receive discharge from the facility in the event of a release of hazardous constituents from the facility.
8. Information demonstrating how the facility shall be in compliance with 310 CMR 30.702 through 30.704.
(l) If polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons are to be placed in a landfill, a management plan for such placement pursuant to 310 CMR 30.628(3).
(m) Any other information which the Department deems necessary to ensure compliance with any of the provisions of 310 CMR 30.620.
(n) Information, reasonably ascertainable by the owner or operator, on the potential for the public to be exposed to hazardous wastes or hazardous consitituents through releases related to the unit. At a minimum such information shall address:
1. Reasonably foreseeable potential releases from both normal operations and accidents at the unit, including releases associated with transportation to or from the unit;
2. The potential pathways of human exposure to hazardous wastes or constituents resulting from the releases described in 310 CMR 30.804(19)(n)1.; and
3. The potential magnitude and nature of the human exposure resulting from such releases.
(20) For facilities that store or treat hazardous waste in waste piles:
(a) A list of all hazardous wastes placed or to be placed in each waste pile.
(b) If an exemption is sought from the liner requirements of 310 CMR 30.641 and the groundwater protection requirements of 310 CMR 30.660, an explanation of how the requirements of 310 CMR 30.640(4) shall be complied with.
(c) Detailed plans and an engineering report describing how the pile is or will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.641, including a description of:
1. The liner system, including its relationship to the probable high groundwater level;
2. The leachate collection and removal system;
3. Measures for control of run-on;
4. Measures for control of run-off;
5. How collection and holding units associated with run-on and run-off control systems will be managed; and
6. Measures for control of wind dispersal of particulate matter, where applicable;
(d) Detailed plans and an engineering report describing how the requirements of 310 CMR 30.642(2) shall be complied with, if an exemption from the inspection requirements of 310 CMR 30.643 is sought, as provided in 310 CMR 30.642, including an explanation of why it is impracticable to meet the inspection requirements of 310 CMR 30.643.
(e) Unless an exemption is being sought pursuant to 310 CMR 30.642, a description of how 310 CMR 30.643 shall be complied with.
(f) A description of how each waste pile, including the liner and appurtenances for control of run-on and run-off, shall be inspected in order to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.644(1) and 30.644(2). This information shall be included in the inspection plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(8).
(g) A demonstration of waste/liner compatibility in compliance with 310 CMR 30.645.
(h) If treatment is carried out on or in the pile, details of the process and equipment used, and the nature and quality of the residuals.
(i) If ignitable or reactive wastes are placed or to be placed in the pile, an explanation of how the requirements of 310 CMR 30.646 shall be complied with.
(j) If incompatible wastes, or materials incompatible with hazardous waste, will be placed in the waste pile, an explanation of how 310 CMR 30.647 shall be complied with.
(k) A description of how hazardous waste residues and contaminated materials shall be removed from the waste pile at closure, as required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.649(1).
(l) If polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons are to be placed in a waste pile, a management plan for such placement pursuant to 310 CMR 30.646(4).
(21) For land treatment demonstrations pursuant to 310 CMR 30.653:
(a) A description of plans to conduct a land treatment demonstration required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.653, including a description of:
1. The hazardous wastes for which the demonstration will be made and the potential hazardous constituents in the wastes;
2. The data sources to be used to make the demonstration (e.g., literature, laboratory data, field data, operating data);
3. Any specific laboratory or field test that will be conducted, including:
a. the type of test (e.g., column leaching, degradation);
b. materials and methods, including analytical procedures;
c. expected time for completion; and
d. characteristics of the unit that will be simulated in the demonstration, including treatment zone characteristics, climatic conditions, and operating practices;
(b) A description of the proposed land treatment program, as required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.652, including a description of:
1. The hazardous wastes to be land treated;
2. Design measures and operating practices necessary to maximize treatment in compliance with 310 CMR 30.654(2) and 30.658, including:
a. Waste application method and rate;
b. Measures to control soil pH;
c. Enhancement of microbial or chemical reactions;
d. Control of moisture content; and
e. Treatment zone capacity;
3. Provisions for unsaturated zone monitoring, including:
a. Sampling equipment, procedures, and frequency;
b. Procedures for selecting sampling locations;
c. Analytical procedures;
d. Chain-of-custody control;
e. Procedures for establishing background values;
f. Statistical methods for interpreting results; and
g. The justification for any hazardous constituents recommended for selection as principal hazardous constituents, in accordance with the criteria for such selection in 310 CMR 30.655(1);
4. A list of hazardous constituents reasonably expected to be in, or derived from, the wastes to be land treated, based on waste analysis performed pursuant to 310 CMR 30.513; and
5. The proposed dimensions of the treatment zone.
(c) A description of how the unit is or will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in order to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.654, including a description of:
1. Measures for control of run-on;
2. Measures for collection and control of run-off;
3. Measures for minimization of run-off of hazardous constituents from the treatment zone;
4. How collection and holding facilities associated with run-on and run-off control systems will be managed;
5. Periodic inspection of the unit; this information shall be included in the inspection plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(8); and
6. Measures for control of wind dispersal of particulate matter, if applicable.
(d) If ignitable or reactive wastes will be placed in or on the land treatment zone, an explanation of how the requirements of 310 CMR 30.657(1) shall be complied with.
(e) If incompatible wastes, or materials incompatible with hazardous waste, will be placed in or on the same treatment zone, an explanation of how 310 CMR 30.657(2) shall be complied with.
(f) A description of the treatment zone soil and treatment demonstration zone soil including, but not limited to, soil texture, pH and the cation exchange capacity expressed in milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil.
(g) A prediction and approximate quantification of any hazardous waste decomposition by-products expected to be produced as a result of the land treatment process or the land treatment demonstration process.
(h) A description of the quantities and the destination of all soils or vegetation that are to be removed from the site.
(i) The results of a hydrogeologic investigation of the site as specified in 310 CMR 30.804(19)(k) for landfills.
(j) If polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons are to be placed in a land treatment facility, a management plan for such placement pursuant to 310 CMR 30.657(4).
(22) For facilities that use land treatment to dispose of hazardous waste:
(a) The results of the land treatment demonstration conducted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.653;
(b) The information required by 310 CMR 30.804(21)(b) through (i), including all changes made to reflect the results of the land treatment demonstration.
(c) A description of the vegetative cover to be applied to closed portions of the facility, and a plan for maintaining such cover during the post-closure care period, as required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.659(1)(h) and (3)(b). This information shall be included in the closure plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(12) and, where applicable, the post-closure plan submitted pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(13).
(23) The following additional information, regarding protection of groundwater, from owners or operators of hazardous waste surface impoundments, piles, land-treatment units, and landfills, except as otherwise provided in 310 CMR 30.661(2):
(a) A summary of the groundwater monitoring data obtained during the interim-status period pursuant to 40 CFR 265.90 through 265.94, as incorporated by reference with modifications at 310 CMR 30.099(6), where applicable.
(b) Identification of the uppermost aquifer and aquifers hydraulically interconnected beneath the facility property, including groundwater flow direction and rate and the basis for such identification (i.e., the information obtained from hydrogeologic investigations of the facility area).
(c) On the map required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(4)(a), a delineation of the waste management area, the property boundary, the proposed "point of compliance" as described in 310 CMR 30.669, the proposed location of groundwater monitoring wells as required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.663 and, to the extent possible, the information required by 310 CMR 30.804(23)(b).
(d) A description of any plume of contamination that has entered the groundwater from a regulated unit at the time that the application is submitted. This description shall:
1. Delineate the extent of the plume on the topographic map required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.804(4)(a); and
2. Identify the concentration of each constituent listed in 310 CMR 30.161 throughout the plume or identify the maximum concentrations of each such constituent.
(e) Detailed plans and an engineering report describing the proposed groundwater monitoring program to be implemented to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.663.
(f) If the presence of hazardous constituents has not been detected in the groundwater at the time the license application is submitted to the Department, the owner or operator shall submit sufficient information, supporting data, and analyses to establish a detection monitoring program which meets the requirements of 310 CMR 30.664, including:
1. A proposed list of indicator parameters, waste constituents or reaction products that will provide a reliable indication of the presence of hazardous constituents in the groundwater;
2. A proposed groundwater monitoring system;
3. Background values for each proposed monitoring parameter or constituent, or procedures to calculate such values; and
4. A description of proposed sampling, analysis and statistical com- parison procedures to be utilized in evaluating groundwater monitoring data.
(g) If the presence of hazardous constituents has been detected in the groundwater at the point of compliance at the time the license application is submitted to the Department, the owner or operator shall submit sufficient information, supporting data and analyses to establish a compliance monitoring program which meets the requirements of 310 CMR 30.671. The owner or operator shall also submit an engineering feasibility plan for a corrective action program necessary to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.672, except as provided in 310 CMR 30.664(8)(e). To demonstrate compliance with 310 CMR 30.671, the owner or operator shall submit the following:
1. A description of the wastes previously handled at the facility;
2. A characterization of the contaminated groundwater, including concentrations of hazardous constituents;
3. A list of hazardous constituents for which compliance monitoring shall be undertaken in compliance with 310 CMR 30.663 and 30.671;
4. Proposed concentration limits for each hazardous constituent, based on the criteria set forth in 310 CMR 30.667(1), including a justification for establishing any alternate concentration limit;
5. Detailed plans and an engineering report describing the proposed groundwater monitoring system, in compliance with the requirements of 310 CMR 30.663; and
6. A description of proposed sampling, analysis and statistical comparison procedures to be utilized in evaluating groundwater monitoring data.
(h) If hazardous constituents have been detected in the groundwater in concentrations exceeding the concentration limits established pursuant to 310 CMR 30.668, or if groundwater monitoring conducted pursuant to 40 CFR 265.90 through 265.94 at the time the license application is submitted to the Department indicates the presence in groundwater of hazardous constituents from the facility in concentrations exceeding background concentrations, the owner or operator shall submit sufficient information, supporting data, and analyses to establish a corrective action program which meets the requirements of 310 CMR 30.672. However, an owner or operator is not required to submit information to establish a corrective action program if he persuades the Department that alternate concentration limits will protect human health and the environment, taking into consideration the criteria listed in 310 CMR 30.667(2). Such an owner or operator shall instead submit sufficient information to establish a compliance monitoring program which meets the requirements of 310 CMR 30.671 and 30.804(23)(g). To demonstrate compliance with 310 CMR 30.672, the owner or operator shall submit, at a minimum, the following:
1. A characterization of the contaminated groundwater, including concentrations of hazardous constituents;
2. The concentration limit for each hazardous constituent found in the groundwater as set forth in 310 CMR 30.667;
3. Detailed plans and an engineering report describing the corrective action to be taken; and
4. A description of how the groundwater monitoring program will assess the adequacy of the corrective action.
(24) For facilities that store hazardous waste in containers:
(a) A description of the containment system to demonstrate compliance with 310 CMR 30.687, showing at least the following:
1. Basic design parameters, dimensions, and materials of construction;
2. How the design promotes drainage or how containers are kept from contact with standing liquids in the containment system;
3. The capacity of the containment system relative to the number and volume of containers to be stored;
4. Provisions for preventing or managing run-on; and
5. How accumulated liquids shall be analyzed and removed to prevent overflow.
(b) For each storage area that stores containers holding wastes that do not contain free liquid, a demonstration of how 310 CMR 30.687(3) will be complied with, including:
1. Test procedures and results or other documentation or information showing that the wastes do not contain free liquid; and
2. A description of how each storage area is designed or operated to drain and remove liquid, or how containers are kept from contact with standing liquid.
(c) Sketches, drawings, data, or a description of procedures demonstrating compliance with 310 CMR 30.688: Special Requirements for Ignitable, Reactive, and Incompatible Hazardous Wastes, and Hazardous Wastes That Are Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
(25) For facilities that store or treat hazardous waste in tanks, a description of the design and operating procedures to demonstrate compliance with 310 CMR 30.692, 30.693, 30.694, 30.695, and 30.698, including:
(a) A written assessment that is reviewed and certified by a Massachusetts registered professional engineer as to the structural integrity and suitability for handling hazardous waste of each tank system, as required by 310 CMR 30.692 and 30.693. This assessment shall include an explanation of the inventory control program and the statistical test required by 310 CMR 30.692(5)(c);
(b) Tank dimensions, capacity and shell thickness;
(c) A description of feed systems, safety cutoff, bypass systems, pressure controls (e.g., vents), and emission controls;
(d) A diagram of piping, instrumentation, and process flow for each tank system;
(e) References to design standards and other available information used in the design and construction of the tank;
(f) A description of design specifications including identification of construction materials, lining materials, and equipment used to provide external corrosion protection, as required under 310 CMR 30.693(1)(c)2.;
(g) For new tank systems, a detailed description of how the tank system(s) will be installed in compliance with 310 CMR 30.693(3) through (6);
(h) Detailed plans and a description of how the secondary containment system is or will be designed, constructed, and operated to meet the requirements of 310 CMR 30.694;
(i) For new underground tanks, the relationship between the probable high-groundwater level (see310 CMR 30.675) and the bottom of the tank, and a description of how 310 CMR

30.693(9) shall be complied with;

(j) A description of the procedures for handling incompatible, ignitable, or reactive wastes, or wastes that are polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, including the use of buffer zones.
(k) A statement of the capacity of the containment system and of the design capacity of each of the tank(s) within the system, and a description of the methods to be used to prevent precipitation and run-on from entering the containment system; and
(l) A description of the methods and practices to be used to prevent and detect leaks, spills, and other releases from each of the tank(s) within the containment system.
(26) For land disposal units or facilities that have been closed, documentation that notices required pursuant to 310 CMR 30.040 and 30.594 have been recorded.
(27) For facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste in miscellaneous units, except as otherwise provided in 310 CMR 30.606:
(a) A detailed description of the unit being used or proposed for use, including the following:
1. Physical characteristics, materials of construction, and dimensions of the unit;
2. Detailed plans and engineering reports describing how the unit will be located, designed, constructed, operated, maintained, monitored, inspected, and closed to comply with the requirements set forth or referred to in 310 CMR 30.606(2) and (3); and
3. For disposal units, a detailed description of the plans to comply with the post-closure requirements of 310 CMR 30.606(4).
(b) Detailed hydrologic, geologic, and meterologic assessments and land-use maps for the region surrounding the site that address, and that are sufficient to persuade the Department of, the unit's compliance with 310 CMR 30.606(2). If the applicant persuades the Department that 310 CMR 30.606(2) will be complied with, preliminary hydrologic, geologic, and meterologic assessments will suffice.
(c) Information on the potential pathways of exposure of humans or environmental receptors to hazardous waste or hazardous constituents and on the potential magnitude and nature of such exposures.
(d) For any treatment unit, a report on a demonstration of the effectiveness of the treatment, based on laboratory or field data.
(e) Any additional information determined by the Department to be necessary for evaluation of compliance of the unit with the environmental performance standards set forth or referred to in 310 CMR 30.606(2).
(28) For land disposal facilities, if a case-by-case extension has been approved by EPA pursuant to the federal land disposal restrictions (see40 CFR 268.5) or a petition has been approved pursuant to the federal land disposal restrictions (see40 CFR 268.6) , a copy of the notice of approval for the extension or petition if required.
(29) For facilities subject to corrective action requirements under 310 CMR 30.602(9) or (10), the information required by 40 CFR 270.14(d) (July 1, 2005). For facilities being issued post closure licenses/permits or orders, the information required by 40 CFR 270.28 (July 1, 2005).

310 CMR, § 30.804