310 CMR, § 19.117

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 19.117 - Air Quality Protection Systems
(1)General Performance Standard. Landfills shall control the concentration levels of explosive and malodorous gases and other air pollutants as necessary in order to maintain air quality and to prevent the occurrence of nuisance conditions or public health or safety problems.
(2)General Design Standard. Air quality protection systems shall be designed to control the concentration of explosive gases to no greater than 25% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) at the property boundary at any time, excluding gas control or recovery system components or any leachate collection components, or 10% of the LEL in any building, structure, or underground utility conduit.
(3)Gas Vents. At a minimum, passive gas vents shall be provided at all facilities in all areas of the landfill over which final cover has been applied.
(a)Performance Standard. Landfill gas vents shall allow for the movement and adequate venting of landfill gases in order to prevent the buildup of explosive concentrations of gas and prevent the lateral migration of gases beyond the boundaries of the landfill.
(b)Design Standards. Landfill gas vents shall be designed:
1. to maintain the integrity of the low permeability cap at the penetration of the cap;
2. to provide adequate venting of landfill gases;
3. with 'T's, goosenecks or other equivalent cap at the top of the riser pipe to allow effective venting;
4. to allow for retrofitting for active gas recovery or treatment at a later time if required;
5. to operate without clogging; and
6. to remain secure from vandalization.
(4)Installation. Gas vents shall be installed concurrently with the phased construction of a facility and in accordance with any permits or orders issued by the Department.
(5) Landfills shall demonstrate that they are in compliance with the State and Federal air quality regulations, including but not limited to, New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) requirements. In general a facility must document:
(a) which federal air quality regulations are applicable to the facility, either initially or at full build-out; and,
(b) how the facility will comply with all applicable state and federal air quality regulations.

310 CMR, § 19.117