250 CMR, § 5.07

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 5.07 - Reinstatement of Lapsed License

An individual whose License has lapsed for more than two years may apply for reinstatement of his or her License by:

(1) Submitting a properly completed Reinstatement Application Form with the applicable filing fee;
(2) Demonstrating to the Board's satisfaction that nothing has occurred during the lapsed period which would justify the revocation of the Registrant's License under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 112, § 81P or any other applicable law;
(3) Demonstrating to the Board's satisfaction that the Registrant meets the current requirements for registration, which may include an oral interview/exam, submission of documentation, and the required written examinations; and
(4) Paying applicable late fees and renewal fees for missed licensing cycles as required by the Director of the Division of Professional Licensure.

250 CMR, § 5.07