225 CMR, § 20.02

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 20.02 - Definitions

Agricultural Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit located on Land in Agricultural Use or Important Agricultural Farmland that allows the continued use of the land for agriculture.

Alternative On-bill Credit Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that is enrolled under a tariff establishing a bill credit for generation from Solar Tariff Generation Units that is approved by the DPU, but is not a tariff approved pursuant to 220 CMR 8.00: Sales of Electricity by Qualifying Facilities and On-site Generating Facilities to Distribution Companies, and Sales of Electricity by Distribution Companies to Qualifying Facilities and On-site Generating Facilities or 220 CMR 18.00: Net Metering.

Authorized Agent. A person or entity that serves under an agreement entered into by each of the Owners of a Solar Tariff Generation Unit for all dealings with the Department.

Base Compensation Rate. The portion of a Solar Tariff Generation Unit's compensation rate related to the Generation Unit's rated alternating current capacity, prescribed in 225 CMR 20.07(3).

Behind-the-meter Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that serves On-site Load other than parasitic or station load utilized to operate the Generation Unit and that receives compensation under 220 CMR 8.00: Sales of Electricity by Qualifying Facilities and On-site Generating Facilities to Distribution Companies, and Sales of Electricity by Distribution Companies to Qualifying Facilities and On-site Generating Facilities or 220 CMR 18.00: Net Metering, or under the model SMART Tariff established pursuant to D.P.U. 17-140.

Brownfield. A disposal site that has received a release tracking number from MassDEP pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0000: Massachusetts Contingency Plan, the redevelopment or reuse of which is hindered by the presence of oil or hazardous materials, as determined by the Department, in consultation with MassDEP. For the purposes of 225 CMR 20.02: Brownfield, the terms "disposal site", "release tracking number", "oil", and "hazardous materials" shall have the meanings giving to such terms in 310 CMR 40.0006: Terminology, Definitions and Acronyms. No disposal site that otherwise meets the requirements of 225 CMR 20.02: Brownfield shall be excluded from consideration as a Brownfield because its cleanup is also regulated by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 9601-9675, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 6921 through 6939g, or any other federal program.

Building Mounted Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit with 100% of the nameplate capacity of the solar photovoltaic modules used for generating power installed on a building.

Business Day. Monday through Friday, exclusive of state and federal legal holidays.

Canopy Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit with 100% of the nameplate capacity of the solar photovoltaic modules used for generating power installed on top of a parking surface, pedestrian walkway, or canal in a manner that maintains the function of the area beneath the canopy.

Capacity Block. A quantity of Solar Tariff Generation Unit capacity that is entitled to receive a particular set of Base Compensation Rates and Compensation Rate Adders within a Distribution Company's service territory.

Commercial Operation Date. The date on which a Distribution Company grants approval for a Solar Tariff Generation Unit to interconnect with the electric grid.

Community Shared Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that provides electricity or bill credits to three or more Customers of Record. No more than two participants may receive bill credits in excess of those produced annually by 25 kW of nameplate AC capacity, and the combined share of said participants' capacity shall not exceed 50% of the total capacity of the Generation Unit, except in the case of Generation Units smaller than 100 kW AC.

Compensation Rate Adder. An adder to a Solar Tariff Generation Unit's Base Compensation Rate established pursuant to 225 CMR 20.07(4).

Core Habitat. Key areas that are critical for the long-term persistence of rare species and other species of conservation concern, as well as a wide diversity of natural communities and intact ecosystems across the Commonwealth, as identified by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife BioMap2 framework within the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.

Critical Natural Landscape. Areas including large natural landscape blocks and buffering uplands around coastal, wetland and aquatic Core Habitats to help ensure their long-term integrity, as identified by the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife BioMap2 framework within the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.

Customer of Record. An eligible customer with the Distribution Company whose name appears on a Distribution Company billing account of a meter connected to or receiving bill credits from a Solar Tariff Generation Unit.

Department. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, established by M.G.L. c. 25A.

Distribution Company. A company engaging in the distribution of electricity or owning, operating or controlling distribution facilities as defined in M.G.L. c. 164, § 1; provided, however, a Distribution Company shall not include a municipal utility established pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 164.

DPU. The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities established by M.G.L. c. 25, § 1.

Eligible Landfill. A landfill that has received an approval from MassDEP for the use of a solar photovoltaic Generation Unit at the landfill as a post-closure use pursuant to 310 CMR 19.143: Post-closure Use of Landfills.

End-use Customer. A person or entity in Massachusetts that purchases electrical energy from a Distribution Company.

Energy Storage System. A commercially available technology that is capable of absorbing energy, storing it for a period of time and thereafter dispatching the energy.

Environmental Attribute. All GIS Certificates and any other environmental benefits associated with the energy generation of a Solar Tariff Generation Unit.

Floating Solar Tariff Generating Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit located on a body of water that is currently, or was formerly, used for water treatment, agricultural or industrial activities, and that allows for the continued use of the water body for its intended purpose.

Generation Attribute. A Generation Attribute, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

Generation Unit. A Generation Unit, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

GIS Certificate. An electronic record produced by the NEPOOL GIS that identifies Generation Attributes of each MWh accounted for in the NEPOOL GIS.

Greenfield Subtractor. A subtractor to a Solar Tariff Generation Unit's Base Compensation Rate, established pursuant to 225 CMR 20.07(4)(g).

Guideline. A set of clarifications, interpretations, and procedures, including forms, developed by the Department to assist in compliance with the requirements of 225 CMR 20.00. The Department may issue new or revised Guidelines. Each Guideline shall be effective on its date of issuance or on such date as is specified therein, except as otherwise provided in 225 CMR 20.00.

Important Agricultural Farmlands. Means those soils found to be Important Farmlands pursuant to 7 CFR § 657.5, that includes prime farmlands, unique farmlands, and additional land of statewide importance.

Incentive Payment Effective Date. As defined in the SMART Tariff, means the earliest date on or after the Commercial Operation Date on which electrical energy output of a Solar Tariff Generation Unit can result in the creation of RPS Class I Renewable Generation Attributes and is also eligible to begin receiving incentive payments.

Independent Verifier. An entity approved by the Department to perform the function of a third party meter reader as defined in Rule 2.5(j) of the NEPOOL GIS Operating Rules, or any successor rule.

Interconnection Service Agreement. The agreement for interconnection service entered into between the interconnecting customer and a Distribution Company, as defined and provided in each Distribution Company's standards for interconnection of distributed generation.

ISO-NE. ISO New England Inc., the independent system operator for New England, the regional transmission organization for most of New England, which is authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to exercise for the New England Control Area the functions required pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Order No. 2000 and corresponding regulations.

Kilowatt (kW). A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts, as measured in alternating current (AC).

Kilowatt-hour (kWh). A unit of electrical energy or work equivalent to 1,000 watts of power operating for one hour.

Land in Agricultural Use. All land as defined under M.G.L. c. 61A, §§ 1 and 2, and land that had been enrolled in a program established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 61A within the past five years.

Low Income Community Shared Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Community Shared Solar Tariff Generation Unit with at least 50% of its energy output allocated to Low Income Customers in the form of electricity or bill credits.

Low Income Customer. An End-use Customer that is on a low-income discounted rate of a Distribution Company or a resident in a Low Income Eligible Area.

Low Income Eligible Area. A neighborhood, as identified through American Community Survey data, that has household income equal to or less than 65% of the statewide median income for Massachusetts.

Low Income Property Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit with a rated capacity greater than 25 kW that provides all of its generation output in the form of electricity or bill credits to low or moderate income housing, as defined under M.G.L. c. 40B.

Low Income Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit with an AC rated capacity of less than or equal to 25 kW that serves Low Income Customers.

MassDEP. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection established by M.G.L. c. 21A, § 7.

MDAR. The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources established by M.G.L. c. 20, § 1.

Megawatt (MW). A unit of power equal to one million watts, as measured in alternating current (AC).

Megawatt-hour (MWh). A unit of electrical energy or work equivalent to one million watts of power operating for one hour.

Municipality. A city or town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that has been issued a public identification number by the DPU pursuant to 220 CMR 18.00: Net Metering.

NEPOOL GIS. The New England Power Pool Generation Information System, which includes a generation information database and certificate system, operated by the New England Power Pool, its designee or successor entity, that accounts for Generation Attributes of electrical energy consumed and generated within, imported into, or exported from the ISO-NE Control Area.

Net Metered Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that is also enrolled and compensated as Class I Net Metering Facility, Class II Net Metering Facility, or Class III Net Metering Facility, as defined under 220 CMR 18.02: Definitions.

Non-net Metered Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that is also enrolled and compensated as a State Qualifying Facility under 220 CMR 8.00: Sales of Electricity by Qualifying Facilities and On-site Generating Facilities to Distribution Companies, and Sales of Electricity by Distribution Companies to Qualifying Facilities and On-site Generating Facilities.

On-site Load. Any new or existing electric load located at the site of a Solar Tariff Generation Unit, including any parasitic load that may result from the installation of the Solar Tariff Generation Unit, and that is wired to receive a portion of the electrical energy output from the Solar Tariff Generation Unit before the balance of such output passes through the Solar Tariff Generation Unit's metered interconnection onto the electric grid.

Other Governmental Entity. A Department or agency of the Commonwealth, and any other entity that has been issued a public identification number by the DPU pursuant to 220 CMR 18.00: Net Metering.

Owner. Any person or entity that, alone or in conjunction with others, has legal ownership of a Solar Tariff Generation Unit.

Primary Installer. The primary entity responsible for a Solar Tariff Generation Unit's installation. The Primary Installer must be a professional contractor licensed to conduct business in Massachusetts. Any electrical work performed on the installation must be conducted by an electrician holding a valid and current license in Massachusetts. The Primary Installer is directly responsible for turnkey project management and installation work, although the installation work may be sub-contracted. Homeowners or other individuals are not eligible to be a Primary Installer unless they are a Massachusetts licensed electrician completing an installation on their own property.

Priority Habitat. Means Priority Habitat as defined in 321 CMR 10.02: Definitions.

Public Entity Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that is:

(a) Sited on property owned by a Municipality or Other Governmental Entity and is either:

1. owned or operated by a Municipality or Other Governmental Entity; or

2. the Owner has assigned 100% of its output to Municipalities or Other Governmental Entities; or

(b) Sited on privately owned property and is either:

1. Owned or operated by the Municipality in which the Solar Tariff Generation Unit is sited; or

2. the Owner has assigned 100% of its output to the Municipality or Other Governmental Entities in the Municipality in which the Solar Tariff Generation Unit is sited.

Publication Date. The date established by Department promulgation of revisions to the SMART Program pursuant to 225 CMR 20.07(5), specifically, April 15, 2020.

Public Entity Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit sited on property owned by a Municipality or Other Governmental Entity that is either:

(a) owned or operated by a Municipality or Other Governmental Entity; or

(b) the owner has assigned 100% of its output to Municipalities or Other Governmental Entities.

Renewable Generation. Means Renewable Generation, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

Renewable Generation Attribute. Means a Renewable Generation Attribute, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

Reservation Period. The period of time during which a Solar Tariff Generation Unit is entitled to a Statement of Qualification and Capacity Block reservation prior to the Solar Tariff Generation Unit's receipt of notice of authorization to interconnect from the Distribution Company.

RPS Class I Renewable Generation. Means RPS Class I Renewable Generation, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

RPS Class I Renewable Generation Attribute. Means a RPS Class I Renewable Generation Attribute, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

RPS Class I Renewable Generation Unit. Means a RPS Class I Renewable Generation Unit, as defined in 225 CMR 14.02: Definitions.

SMART Tariff. The SMART Provision tariff for each individual Distribution Company as reviewed and approved by the DPU, as may be amended from time to time.

Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) Program. The solar incentive program established pursuant to 225 CMR 20.00.

Solar Program Administrator. The program administrator for 225 CMR 20.00 that is selected pursuant to the process set forth in 225 CMR 20.09.

Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Generation Unit that generates electricity using solar photovoltaic technology and meets all of the eligibility criteria set forth in 225 CMR 20.05 and 20.06.

Standalone Solar Tariff Generation Unit. A Solar Tariff Generation Unit that serves no associated On-site Load other than parasitic or station load utilized to operate the Generation Unit or coupled Energy Storage System.

State Qualifying Facility. Means a Qualifying Facility, as defined by the DPU in 220 CMR 8.02: Definitions.

Statement of Qualification. A document issued by the Department that qualifies a Solar Tariff Generation Unit under 225 CMR 20.00.

Third-party Owner. An entity that has a turnkey contract involving a power purchase agreement, lease, or other arrangements with a Customer of Record, but is the Owner of the Solar Tariff Generation Unit. The Third-party Owner may have a separate contract with another entity for the actual installation work.

225 CMR, § 20.02

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1346, eff. 8/25/2017.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1416, eff. 4/14/2020.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1422, eff. 7/24/2020.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1423, eff. 7/24/2020.