This account shall include the ledger balances representing the amounts expended for plant and equipment in process of construction under authorization of work orders but not yet ready for service.
Expenditures charged to this account shall be distributed in accordance with the classification provided for permanent entries in the plant accounts, and each of said accounts containing charges for jobs in progress shall be further subdivided so as to show separately for each job or project the amount carried therein pertaining to such job. When the work is completed on any job, the cost of which has been charged to any of the primary accounts under this head, this account shall be credited with the amount so charged in respect of such job and, concurrently a like amount (or such portion thereof as is chargeable to plant investment account) shall be charged to the corresponding permanent account. In making such transfer to the permanent classification it is required that the identity of the expenditure with the property be fully preserved so that the records will show the total cost of each job or project.
220 CMR, 52.201
If any project is abandoned, credit this account with the amount expended thereon and charge same to account No. 417, "Other Deductions from Surplus."