220 CMR, 50, 879

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 879 - Customer Installations Expenses
A. This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in work on customer premises other than expenses includible in account 878, Meter and House Regulator Expenses, including the cost of servicing customer-owned appliances when the cost of such work is borne by the utility.
B. Damage to customer equipment by employees of the utility, whether incidental to the work or the result of negligence, shall be charged to the job on which the employee was engaged at the time of damage.



1. Supervising.
2. Altering customer-owned service extensions or meter connections.
3. Investigating and correcting pressure difficulties or stoppages in customer-owned piping.
4. Adjusting and repairing burner pilots because of impurities in the gas or failure of the distribution system.
5. Oiling or spraying noisy customer meters.
6. Investigating and stopping gas leaks on customers' premises caused by defective meter, customer-owned piping, or customer appliances.
7. Inspecting new installations to determine that the customers' equipment and piping are properly installed and connected.
8. Consolidated meter installations, without change of size, due to elimination of separate meters for different service classifications.
9. Investigating and adjusting complaints of service on customers' premises.
10. Gas load surveys, including the incidental preparations and replacement of meters.
11. Unproductive calls.
12. Stenographic and clerical work.
13. Janitorial service, etc.
14. Installing demand or test meters.
15. Inspecting, cleaning, repairing and adjusting customer-owned appliances for domestic, industrial, or commercial use, including house heating furnaces and other space heating appliances, hotel and restaurant appliances.
16. Replacing defective parts in customer-owned appliances and salvaging reusable appliance parts.

Materials and Expenses:

17. Lubricants, wiping rags, waste, etc.
18. Uniforms.
19. Replacement parts for appliances.
20. Office supplies, printing and stationery.
21. Janitor, washroom, first aid supplies, etc.
22. Employees' transportation and travel expenses.
23. Utility services: light, water, telephone.

220 CMR, 50, 879

Amounts billed customers for any work, the cost of which is charged to this account, shall be credited to this account. Any excess over costs resulting therefrom shall be transferred to account 488, Miscellaneous Service Revenues.