Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 892 - Maintenance of ServicesThis account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred in the maintenance of services, the book cost of which is includible in account 380, Services. (See operating expense instruction 2.)
2. Testing pipe for leaks and condition of wrapping.3. Testing for, locating, and clearing trouble on company-maintained services.4. Inspecting and testing after repairs have been made.5. Reporting on the condition of gas services to determine the need for repairs.6. Making minor repairs and changes.7. Rearranging and changing the location of services not retired.8. Repairing service valves for reuse.9. Stopping leaks on service pipes and drip risers.10. Lowering and raising curb boxes to grade.11. Replacing less than a complete service, when not retired.12. Installing fittings, valves, drips, frost protection devices, or replacing similar items on existing services.13. Cutting and replacing pavement, pavement base and sidewalks in connection with maintenance work.14. Restoring condition of services damaged by fire, storm, leakage, flood, accident or other casualties.15. Repairing property of others damaged by maintenance work.16. Transferring services in connection with the installation of new mains.17. Installing, maintaining, and removing temporary facilities to prevent the interruption of service.18. Converting low pressure gas distribution service to medium or high pressure service.19. Relocating and rerouting gas service temporarily during alterations of buildings.20. Performing work resulting from municipal improvements, such as street widening, sewers, etc.21. Replacing service valve box or drip riser box.22. Installing, removing or replacing service valve, drip pot, or drip riser.23. Repacking service valve.