220 CMR, 50, 181

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 181 - Unamortized Debt Discount and Expense
A. This account shall include the total of the debit balances in the discount, expense, and premium accounts for all classes of long-term debt, determined as provided in the following paragraphs of this account.
B. A discount, expense, and premium account shall be maintained for each class and series of long-term debt (including receivers' certificates) issued or assumed by the utility, in which shall be recorded the discount, expense, and premium associated with the issuance and sale of each such class and series of debt. In stating the balance sheet, the total of the debit balances remaining in those accounts having debit balances shall be reported under this account and the total of credit balances remaining in those accounts having credit balances shall be reported under account 251, Unamortized Premium on Debt. Accounts with debit balances shall not be set off against accounts with credit balances.
C. The discount, expense, and premium shall be amortized over the life of the respective issues under a plan which will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the securities. The amortization shall be on a monthly basis, and the amounts thereof shall be charged to account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense, or credited to account 429, Amortization of Premium on Debt -Cr., as may be appropriate. The utility may, however, accelerate the writing off of discount and expense where the amounts are insignificant.
D. When any long-term debt is reacquired or redeemed without being converted into another form of long-term debt and when the transaction is not in connection with a refunding operation, the difference between the amount paid upon reacquirement and the face value plus the unamortized premium or less the unamortized discount and expense, as the case may be, applicable to the debt redeemed, retired and canceled, shall be included in account 434, Miscellaneous Credits to Surplus, or account 434, Miscellaneous Debits to Surplus, as appropriate.
E. When the redemption of one issue or series of bonds or other long-term obligations is financed by another issue or series before the maturity date of the first issue, account 434, Miscellaneous Credits to Surplus, or account 435, Miscellaneous Debits to Surplus, shall be credited or debited, as appropriate, with any unamortized discount, expense, or premium on the first issue and any premium paid or discount earned on the redemption. If the utility desires to amortize any of the discount, expense, or premium associated with the issuance or redemption of the first issue over a period subsequent to the date of redemption, the permission of the Department must be obtained; provided, however, that the special permission of the Department shall not be necessary, if the utility proceeds with a plan of disposition of the discount, expense, and redemption premiums associated with the refunded bonds, as follows:
(1) A special charge is recorded in the year of refunding in account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense, equal to the saving in income taxes arising from the refunding transactions;
(2) There is charged to account 435, Miscellaneous Debits to Surplus, in the year of refunding, any amounts of unamortized discount and expenses or redemption premiums relating to bonds or other long-term obligations previously refunded by the refunded bonds under immediate consideration, such amounts sometimes being referred to as "grandfather items"; and,
(3) The utility proceeds to amortize by equal monthly charges, from the date of refunding, the remainder of the charges associated with the refunded bonds, over a period not longer than that in which the saving in net annual interest and amortization charges equals the remainder of charges to be amortized, after taking into consideration the estimated additional taxes on income attributable to the saving in net annual interest and amortization charges.
F. Discount, expense, or premium on debt shall not be included as part of the cost of constructing or acquiring any property, tangible or intangible, except under the provisions of account 432, Interest Charged to Construction - Cr.

220 CMR, 50, 181