If we offer a "participating repair shop endorsement," you may, at your option, agree to have this endorsement added to and incorporated as part of your policy, under the endorsement, we must, at the time you purchase your policy, reduce your premium for collision, limited collision and comprehensive coverages by ______ % [between 5% and 10%, unless deviation filed with Commissioner]. In exchange for this discount on your premium, you must agree that, in the event of a claim under any of these coverages, you will have your auto repaired at a participating repair shop designated by us. The participating repair shop must be geographically convenient for you and must perform repairs of comparable quality to those made by non-participating repair shops.
In order to receive the discount, you must have all repairs, except for emergency repairs, performed at the participating repair shop we designate. If you have repairs performed at a non=participating shop, we do not have to pay more than ______ % [no less than 80%] of what we would have paid to one of our participating shops.
211 CMR, 56, A