211 CMR, § 131.04

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 131.04 - Coverage for Premises for Which a Letter of Interim Control or Letter of Compliance Is in Effect

When any liability insurance policy which an insurer has elected to offer provides coverage to the owner of any premises for which a letter of interim control or letter of full compliance is in effect, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 111, § 197, such policy shall provide coverage for injury or damage which results from exposure to dangerous levels of lead in dwelling units, and which occurs during the policy period, as long as said injury or damage is not the result of gross or willful negligence. Coverage provided in accordance with 211 CMR 131.0 4 will be effective from the date of policy inception if the letter of compliance or letter of interim control is effective on or before such date.

211 CMR, § 131.04