211 CMR, § 101.12

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 101.12 - Revised Rate Filings

If a Rate Filing, or any component thereof, is disapproved, the Presiding Officer may indicate an alternative rate or rate components, if any, that he or she, based on the evidence in the record, would find to be reasonable. If a filed rate is disapproved, the Filing Party may, within a time period specified in the Decision and Order disapproving the Rate Filing, file a Revised Rate Filing in the same Proceeding. The Revised Rate Filing must contain all information on rate components, satisfy all requirements set out in the Decision and Order, and comply with the format, filing and service requirements in 211 CMR 101.03 and 211 CMR 101.04, but need not otherwise comply with 211 CMR 101.04. No later than ten days after a Revised Rate Filing is submitted, the Presiding Officer may hold a hearing at which the Presiding Officer may hear argument and receive evidence regarding compliance of the Revised Rate Filing with the Decision and Order. The Presiding Officer may permit the Filing Party to revise the Revised Rate Filing further to meet the requirements of the Decision and Order. If the Presiding Officer determines that the Revised Rate Filing complies with the Decision and Order, he or she shall approve it.

211 CMR, § 101.12