Provided, that the requirement for a declaration of the total quantity of contents of a multi-unit package shall be effective with respect to those labels revised after the effective date of this regulation, or as of January 1, 1970, whichever occurs first. Any such declaration of total quantity shall not be required to include the parenthetical quantity statement of a dual quantity representation.
When the unit bag is characterized by two dimensions because of the absence of a gusset, the width and length will be expressed in inches, except that a dimension of 2 feet or more will be expressed in feet with any remainder in terms of inches or common or decimal fractions of the foot. (Example: "25 bags, 17 in x 20 in" or "100 bags, 20 in x 2 ft 6 in" or 50 bags, 20 in x 2 1/2 ft. ")
When the unit bag is gusseted, the dimensions will be expressed as width, depth, and length, in terms of inches, except that any dimension of two feet or more will be expressed in feet with any remainder in terms of inches or the common or decimal fractions of the foot. (Examples: "25 bags, 17 in. x 4 in x 20 in" or "100 bags, 20 in x 12 x 21/2 ft.").
Notwithstanding the above requirements, the net quantity statement for containers such as cups will be listed in terms of count and liquid capacity per unit. (Example: "24 cups, 6 fl oz capacity.") For purposes of 202 CMR 3.11(8), the use of the terms "capacity," "diameter," and "fluid " is optional.
Provided, that
Provided, that
202 CMR, § 3.11