avoirdupois | avdp | quart | qt |
cubic | cu | square | sq |
feet or foot | ft | weight | wt |
fluid | fl | yard | yd |
gallon | gal | cubic centimeter | cc |
inch | in | gram | g |
liquid | liq | k ilogram | kg |
ounce | oz | microgram | mcg |
pint | pt | milligram | mg |
pound | lb | milliliter | ml |
(There normally are no periods following, nor plural forms of, these abbreviations. For example, "oz" is the abbreviation for both "ounce" and "ounces.")
In the case of
Provided, that the quantity declaration appearing on a random package maybe expressed in terms of pounds and decimal fractions of the pound carried out to not more than two decimal places.
Provided, that no square inch declaration is required for a bidimensional commodity of four inches width or less; a dimension of less than two feet may be stated in inches within the parenthetical; and commodities consisting of usable individual units (except roll-type commodities with individual usable units created by perforations, for which see 202 CMR 3.07(5)(h). Count: Ply) require a declaration of unit area but not a declaration of total area of all such units;
Provided, that no declaration in square feet is required for a bidimensional commodity with a width of four inches or less; a dimension of less than two feet may be stated in inches within the parenthetical; and no declaration in square feet is required for commodities for which the length and width measurements are critical in terms of end use (such as tablecloths or bed sheets) if such commodities clearly present the length and width measurements on the label.
Roll-type commodities, when perforated so as to identify individual usable units, shall not be deemed to be made up of usable units; however, such roll-type commodities shall be labeled in terms of total area measurement, number of ply, count of usable units, and dimensions of a single usable unit.
A common fraction shall be reduced to its lowest terms; a decimal fraction shall not be carried out to more than two places.
202 CMR, § 3.07