130 CMR, § 461.402
The following terms used in 130 CMR 461.000 have the meanings given in 130 CMR 461.402, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning.
Adverse Incident - an occurrence that represents actual or potential serious harm to the well-being of a member or to others under the care of the community support program. Adverse incidents may be the result of the actions of a member served, actions of a staff member providing services, or incidents that compromise the health and safety of the member, or operations of the provider.
At Risk of Homelessness - any member who does not have sufficient resources or support networks (e.g., family, friends, faith-based or other social networks) immediately available to prevent them from moving to an emergency shelter or another place not meant for human habitation.
Behavioral Health Supports for Individuals with Justice Involvement (BH-JI) - supports to assist justice-involved MassHealth-eligible members in navigating and engaging with health care services. Supports include in-reach and re-entry supports for individuals releasing from correctional institutions, as well as community supports post-release for members who are not already receiving CSP-JI services.
Behavioral Health Disorder - any disorder pertaining to mental health or substance use as defined by the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) - a person who has been trained by an agency approved by the Department of Mental Health (DMH) who is a self-identified person with lived experience of a mental health disorder and wellness who can effectively share their experiences and serve as a mentor, advocate, or facilitator for a member experiencing a mental health disorder.
Community Support Program (CSP or the Program) - behavioral health diversionary services provided through community-based, mobile, paraprofessional staff to members, as set forth in 130 CMR 461.000.
Community Support Program for Homeless Individuals (CSP-HI) - a specialized CSP service to address the health-related social needs of members who
Community Support Program Tenancy Preservation Program (CSP-TPP) - a specialized CSP service to address the health-related social needs of members who are at risk of homelessness and facing eviction as a result of behavior related to a disability. CSP-TPP works with the member, the Housing Court, and the member's landlord to preserve tenancies by connecting the member to community-based services in order to address the underlying issues causing the lease violation.
Correctional Institution - a county house of corrections, county jail, or Department of Corrections prison facility.
Criminogenic Needs - needs that, if addressed through targeted interventions and strategies, may lower an individual's risk of further criminal activity.
Detainee - a person in custody of a correctional institution who is not sentenced and is awaiting the outcome of a legal issue.
Eviction - the process of obtaining a court order to remove a tenant and other occupants from a rental property including serving either a Notice to Quit or a request for temporary, preliminary or permanent relief. Eviction may also refer to any instance in which such relief has been granted.
Homelessness - a condition of any member who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and who has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping group; or who is living in a supervised publicly or privately operated emergency shelter designated to provide temporary living arrangements, including congregate shelters, transitional housing, and hotels and motels paid for by charitable organizations or by federal, state, or local government programs for low-income individuals. This includes those members who are exiting an institution (e.g., jail, hospital) where they resided for 90 days or less and were residing in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering the institution.
Inmate - an individual who is in custody and held involuntarily through operation of criminal law in a correctional institution.
Justice Involvement or Justice Involved - a member who is a former inmate or detainee of a correctional institution who has been released from a correctional institution within the past year; or an individual under the supervision of the Massachusetts Probation Service, Massachusetts Parole Board or both, as determined by Massachusetts Probation Service or the Massachusetts Parole Board.
Mental Health Disorder - any disorder pertaining to mental health as defined by the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Notice to Quit - a written notice from a landlord to a tenant that formally terminates a tenancy. Properly terminating the tenancy is the first part of the eviction process.
Parent Community Support Program - the central location of the community support program, at which most of the administrative, and organizational services are performed. The parent program oversees the satellite locations and must ensure compliance with these regulations at its parent and satellite locations.
Parole - the procedure whereby certain inmates are released prior to the expiration of their sentence, permitting the remainder of their sentence to be served in the community under supervision and subject to specific rules and conditions of behavior.
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) - a model of housing that combines ongoing subsidized housing matched with flexible health, behavioral health, social, and other support services. "Housing First" is a specific PSH approach that prioritizes supporting people experiencing homelessness to enter low-threshold housing as quickly as possible and then providing supportive services necessary to keep them housed.
Probation - the portion of a sentence that the court orders to be served in the community under the supervision of the Massachusetts Probation Service, as authorized by M.G.L. c. 279, §§ 1 and 1A.
Re-entry - the transition of inmates and detainees from correctional institutions back into the community.
Release of Information - a document that allows a member to authorize and revoke what information they want to release from their record, who they want it released to, how long it can be released for, and under what statutes and guidelines it is released.
Restoration Center - a designated entity that provides behavioral health services to individuals in mental health or substance use crisis, diverting individuals with behavioral health conditions from arrest or unnecessary hospitalization
Satellite Community Support Program - a community support program at a different location from the parent community support program that operates under the fiscal, administrative, and personnel management of the parent community support program, including licensure as applicable, and provides eligible CSP services to eligible members in accordance with this regulation.
Specialized Community Support Program - a community support program that provides targeted CSP services to members based on their unique situation. For the purposes of this regulation, specialized CSPs include CSP for Homeless Individuals (CSP-HI), CSP Tenancy Preservation Program (CSP-TPP), and CSP for Individuals with Justice Involvement (CSP-JI). All sections of 130 CMR 461.000 apply to specialized CSP unless noted.
Substance Use Disorder - any disorder pertaining to substance use as defined by the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Telehealth - the use of synchronous or asynchronous audio, video, electronic media, or other telecommunications technology, including, but not limited to:
130 CMR, § 461.402