A case review is necessary to establish that a refugee remains eligible for MRRP and to monitor progress toward durable self-sufficiency. The focus of the case review process is on those factors of eligibility that are potentially subject to change and on the progress of the assistance unit toward early employment and durable self-sufficiency. The case manager shall review an assistance unit's case record to ensure continuing eligibility, to assess progress toward early employment and durable self-sufficiency and to ensure the accuracy of Refugee Cash Assistance payment amounts and the appropriateness of other MRRP services.
A case manager may schedule a personal interview with a refugee as part of a case review, if the case manager is aware of changes or anticipated changes in family composition, employment, income, other circumstances that may affect eligibility, or an approaching or passed critical point in the Family Self-sufficiency Plan. The case manager may also schedule an interview if necessary to resolve conflicting information. Failure to attend an interview may result in termination of eligibility for continued services, as specified in 121 CMR 2.340.
121 CMR, § 2.645