115 CMR, § 14.09

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 14.09 - Services, Supports and Goods Available through SDS
(1) Services, supports and goods available through an SDS consist of staffing supports and non-staffing goods and services.
(2) Staffing supports available through an SDP may include the following:
(a) adult companion;
(b) behavioral supports and consultation;
(c) individualized day supports;
(d) individualized home supports;
(e) family training;
(f) live-in caregiver;
(g) peer support;
(h) respite;
(i) chore; and
(j) supported employment.
(3) Non-staffing goods and services available through an SDS may include the following:
(a) assistive technology;
(b) home modifications and adaptations;
(c) specialized medical equipment and supplies;
(d) transitional assistance;
(e) transportation;
(f) vehicle modifications; and
(g) individual goods, services, equipment, or supplies that will provide direct benefit to the participant and support specific objectives that are identified in the participant's ISP.
(4) Services, supports, or goods shall not supplant other services, supports, or goods for which the participant may be eligible, including from other available state funded services, e.g., MassHealth services.
(5) Services, supports, and goods must meet a participant's assessed needs.
(6) Services, supports and goods are selected by the participant and their cost cannot exceed the participant's individual budget or service limits defined by the Department.
(7) Services, supports and goods must meet the Department's criteria for allowable expenses, must directly benefit the participant and must be documented through invoices, receipts, timesheets or other documentation.

115 CMR, § 14.09

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1533, eff. 10/25/2024.