111 CMR, § 6.01

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 6.01 - Statement of Purpose

111 CMR 6.00 is published in order to establish the conditions and requirements governing the provision of college training services. The purpose of these services is to enable blind persons to attain suitable employment outcomes under the provisions of the Federal-State Program of Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind. The Commission recognizes that consumers often have disabilities in addition to blindness. Issues which effect other disabilities may be dealt with in other regulations or policies (e.g. interpreter or note taking services for deaf/blind consumers) and may not be dealt with specifically in 111 CMR 6.00. Individual sections of 111 CMR 6.00 must be read in the context of the whole, since one part may rely on another. In particular, the availability of resources other than college training services must be given appropriate consideration in determining eligibility.

111 CMR, § 6.01