Living Arrangement | Verification Required |
A | a rent or mortgage statement; and/or proof of responsibility for any other shelter cost; and/or a room and/or board receipt; and/or a written statement from the individual or family with whom the individual or family shares the shelter expenses that specifies how the shelter expenses are shared. |
B | a written statement from the spouse. |
H | a written statement from the individual with whom the applicant or client shares shelter costs that specifies what shelter costs are shared. |
C | a statement from an authorized person at the halfway house, licensed chronic hospital, approved public medical institution, licensed intermediate care facility, public psychiatric institution or residential treatment center. |
D | a statement from an authorized person at the shelter if a resident of an emergency shelter; or a signed and dated statement from the applicant or client that he or she has no shelter costs. |
E | a written statement from an authorized person at the assisted living community or the rest home. |
F | a written statement from an authorized person at the therapeutic community center. |
106 CMR, § 704.435