The following are not countable assets for Transitional Cash Assistance purposes. They do not effect eligibility.
For EAEDC, the first $1500 of the equity value of one vehicle as provided in 106 CMR 704.120(G);
A prepaid funeral arrangement may include a contract with a funeral director or a separately identifiable trust fund. Use of any portion of this asset for any purpose other than funeral arrangements shall make the balance of the asset countable;
A good faith effort to sell shall be defined as an offer to sell at or about fair market value.
The good faith offer must be verified. Verification shall be by a copy of a newspaper advertisement, letter from a licensed real estate salesperson, or other appropriate document.
If the assistance unit becomes ineligible during the six-month period for categorical or financial reasons other than ownership of real estate, or if the assistance unit fails to sell the real estate at the end of six months, assistance shall be terminated, and all Transitional Cash Assistance benefits paid shall be considered an overpayment.
A client who does not report receiving or buying a piece of real estate, other than that used as the principal residence, within ten days of getting the title to the real estate, shall be considered to have received an overpayment. The period of overpayment shall begin from the date title was received to the date the ownership of the real estate was reported to the Department, as long as the equity value of the real estate when added to all other countable assets is higher than the program limit of the specific Transitional Cash Assistance program. The Department must pursue recovery in accordance with 106 CMR 706.200: Overpayments and Underpayments;
106 CMR, § 704.140