An individual's SSP benefit amount is determined by their living arrangement.
For the purposes of 106 CMR 327.220(A)(1)(a) through (d), foster children placed with anyone other than their parents are not considered to be living with the foster parent.
A public income maintenance payment is a payment from any of the following programs: SSI, TANF TAFDC, Refugee Act of 1980, Disaster Relief Act of 1974, general assistance programs of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Veterans Administration benefits based on need, or any State or local governmental assistance program based on need.
State Living Arrangement C includes an individual or couple living in the household of another and determined by the Social Security Administration to be receiving sufficient support to necessitate a reduction of 1/3 in the Federal SSI benefit rate.
State Living Arraignment F includes an individual living in a medical facility where Medicaid pays more than 50% of the cost of care.
State Living Arrangement G: Assisted Living.
State Living Arrangement G includes individuals certified by Massachusetts to be residing in an assisted living residence (ALR) served by a certified Group Adult Foster Care (GAFC) provider who is not receiving assistance under any other federal or state rental assistance program and who pays a fixed, non-separable fee for rent and supportive services, other than medically necessary services reimbursed by Medicaid.
106 CMR, § 327.220