105 CMR, § 675.005
Air Contaminants shall mean carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, unless the context clearly indicates a broader measuring.
Air Monitoring Device shall mean colorimetric tubes or computer chip sampling devices for the sampling and measurement of nitrogen dioxide, and colorimetric tubes, in-place monitors with a digital read-out, hand held monitors or computer chip sampling devices for the sampling and measurement of carbon monoxide.
Air Sample shall mean the result of any single measurement of the level of carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide in an indoor skating rink taken in accordance with the requirements of 105 CMR 675.000.
Board shall mean the local health department or local board of health in the city or town in which one or more indoor skating rinks are located.
Bureau shall mean the Bureau of Environmental Health Assessment within the Department of Public Health.
Catalytic Converter shall mean any pollution control device that is affixed to the exhaust system of ice resurfacing equipment that reduces exhaust emission of carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide.
Combustible Fuels shall mean any fuel or power source used to power combustion resurfacing equipment, the use of which results in the emission of carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide into the interior of an indoor ice skating rink.
Combustion Resurfacing Equipment shall mean any device or machinery powered by combustible fuels used to repair or improve the surface of ice in an indoor skating rink.
Commissioner shall mean the commissioner of the Department of Public Health.
Correction Air Levels shall mean air concentrations of carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide that, if equaled or exceeded, require the operator to take remedial measures specified in 105 CMR 675.000 to reduce such air concentrations.
Department shall mean the Department of Public Health.
Director shall mean the director of the Bureau of Environmental Health Assessment within the Department of Public Health.
Evacuation Air Levels shall mean air concentrations of carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide that, if equaled or exceeded, require the operator to immediately evacuate the indoor skating rink in accordance with 105 CMR 675.000.
Exhaust shall mean the emissions of gases and vapors containing carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide produced as a result of the use of combustible fuels in connection with the operation of combustion resurfacing equipment.
Indoor Skating Rink shall mean any enclosed building that contains an ice surface which is created and/or maintained in part through the use of ice resurfacing equipment.
Notification Air Levels shall mean air concentrations of carbon monoxide or nitrogen dioxide that, if equaled or exceeded, require the operator to notify state and local officials, as specified in 105 CMR 675.000.
Operator shall mean any person that manages or operates an indoor skating rink that is open to the general public.
Person shall mean any individual or any partnership, corporation, the Commonwealth, or any of its agencies, authorities or departments and any political subdivision of the Commonwealth, including municip a lities , or other legalentity.
Record Keeping Log shall mean a hardcover or soft cover log book or notebook suitable for recording the information required in 105 CMR 675.000 and which is used solely for the purpose of keeping and recording the information required by 105 CMR 675.000.
Resurfacing shall mean the operation of resurfacing equipment to repair or improve the surface of ice in an indoor skating rink.
Ventilation Controls shall mean any fan, mechanical air handling system or other equipment or system used to maintain air quality or climate control within an indoor skating rink.
Ventilation Rate shall mean the volume of air per minute exchanged between the air outside and inside an indoor skating rink.
105 CMR, § 675.005