105 CMR, § 665.005

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 665.005 - Definitions

Board of Health means the appropriate and legally designated health authority of the city, town, or other legally constituted governmental unit within the Commonwealth having the usual powers and duties of the board of health of a city or town.

Business Agent means an individual who has been designated by the owner or operator of any tobacco retail store or smoking bar to be the manager or otherwise in charge of said establishment.

Characterizing Flavor means a distinguishable taste or aroma, other than the taste or aroma of tobacco, imparted or detectable before or during consumption of a tobacco product including, but not limited to, a taste or aroma relating to any fruit, chocolate, vanilla, honey, candy, cocoa, dessert, alcoholic beverage, menthol, mint, wintergreen, herb, or spice; provided, however, that no tobacco product shall be determined to have a characterizing flavor solely because of the provision of ingredient information or the use of additives or flavorings that do not contribute to the distinguishable taste or aroma of the product.

Child-resistant Packaging means packaging intended to reduce the risk of a child ingesting nicotine and that meets the minimum standards of 16 C.F.R. 1700et seq., pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1471 through 1476.

Coupon means any card, paper, note, form, statement, ticket or other communication distributed for commercial or promotional purposes to be later surrendered by the bearer so as to receive an article, service or accommodation without charge or at a discount price.

Department means the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Distinguishable means perceivable by either the sense of smell or taste.

Electronic Nicotine Delivery System means an electronic device, whether for one-time use or reusable, that can be used to deliver nicotine or another substance to a person inhaling from the device including, but not limited to, electronic cigarettes, electronic cigars, electronic cigarillos, electronic pipes, vaping pens, hookah pens and other similar devices that rely on vaporization or aerosolization; provided, however, that "electronic nicotine delivery system" shall also include any noncombustible liquid or gel that is manufactured into a finished product for use in such electronic device; provided further, that "electronic nicotine delivery system" shall also include any component, part, or accessory of a device used during the operation of the device even if the part or accessory was sold separately; provided further, that "electronic nicotine delivery system" shall not include a product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the sale of or use as a tobacco cessation product or for other medical purposes and is marketed and sold or prescribed exclusively for that approved purpose.

Flavored Tobacco Product means any tobacco product, or component part thereof that contains a constituent that has or produces a characterizing flavor. A public statement, claim or indicia made or disseminated by the manufacturer of a tobacco product, or by any person authorized or permitted by the manufacturer to make or disseminate public statements concerning such tobacco product, that such tobacco product has or produces a characterizing flavor shall constitute presumptive evidence that the tobacco product is a Flavored Tobacco Product.

Liquid Nicotine Container means a package:

(1) from which nicotine or other substance in a solution or other form is accessible through normal and foreseeable use by a consumer; and

(2) that is used to hold soluble nicotine or other substance in any concentration; provided however, that "liquid nicotine container" shall not include a sealed, prefilled and disposable container of nicotine or other substance in a solution or other form in which the container is inserted directly into an electronic cigarette, electronic nicotine delivery system or other similar product if the nicotine or other substance in the container is inaccessible through customary or reasonably foreseeable handling or use, including reasonably foreseeable ingestion or other contact by children.

Listed or Non-discounted Price means the higher of the price listed for a tobacco product on its package or the price listed on any related shelving, posting, advertising or display at the place where the tobacco product is sold or offered for sale plus all applicable taxes if such taxes are not included in the state price, and before the application of any discounts or coupons.

Person means any individual, firm, fiduciary, partnership, corporation, trust or association, however formed, or a club, trustee, agency or receiver.

Retail Establishment means a physical place of business or a section of a physical place of business in which a tobacco product is offered for sale to consumers.

Retailer means a person that operates a retail establishment.

Retail Tobacco Store means an establishment which is not required to possess a retail food permit whose primary purpose is to sell or offer for sale to consumers, but not for resale, tobacco products and paraphernalia, in which the sale of other products is merely incidental, and in which the entry of persons younger than 21 years old is prohibited at all times, and maintains a valid permit for the retail sale of tobacco products as required to be issued by the appropriate authority in the city, town, or other legally constituted governmental unit within the Commonwealth where the establishment is located.

Smoking Bar means an establishment that:

(1) exclusively occupies an enclosed indoor space and is primarily engaged in the retail sale of tobacco products for consumption by customers on the premises only;

(2) derives revenue from the sale of food, alcohol or other beverages that is incidental to the sale of a tobacco product and prohibits entry to a person younger than 21 years old;

(3) prohibits a food or beverage not sold directly by the establishment from being consumed on the premises;

(4) maintains a valid permit for the retail sale of a tobacco product as required to be issued by the appropriate authority in the city, town, or other legally constituted governmental unit within the Commonwealth in which the establishment is located; and

(5) maintains a valid permit issued by the department of revenue to operate as a smoking bar.

Tobacco Product means a product containing, made or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed or ingested by any other means including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff, electronic cigarettes, electronic cigars, electronic pipes, electronic nicotine delivery systems or any other similar products that rely on vaporization or aerosolization regardless of nicotine content in the product; provided, however, that ''tobacco product'' shall also include any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product; and provided further, that ''tobacco product'' shall not include a product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for the sale of or use as a tobacco cessation product and is marketed and sold exclusively for the approved purpose.

Tobacco Product Flavor Enhancer means any product designed, manufactured, produced, marketed, or sold to produce a characterizing flavor when added to any tobacco product.

105 CMR, § 665.005

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1412, eff. 3/6/2020.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1419, eff. 6/12/2020.