105 CMR, § 500.016

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 500.016 - Supplemental Regulations for the Production of Juice and Apple Cider
(A)General Requirements.
(1) No person shall manufacture juice or apple cider in Massachusetts for sale at wholesale without a license issued by the Department or in violation of any of the requirements specified in 105 CMR 500.000.
(2) Persons who manufacture juice in Massachusetts for sale at wholesale shall comply with 21 CFR Part 120: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems.
(B)Additional Requirements for the Production of Apple Cider.
(a) The use of wormy, decayed, damaged, or rotten fruit is prohibited, and such fruit shall be discarded. A log identifying the source of all apples used in each production lot shall be maintained.
(b) The licensee shall ensure that appropriate personal hygiene is practiced in the harvesting of apples.
(c) All apples for processing shall be kept in cold storage or in an enclosed area, free of insects, rodents, and vermin. Wild and domestic animals are prohibited from the processing and storage areas of the building. Fruit flies and other insects shall be effectively controlled.
(d) All apples shall be inspected, culled, and thoroughly washed and brushed before crushing. Facilities shall employ commercial scrubbers or equivalent means to accomplish a thorough washing and brushing. This can be accomplished as part of the grading operation but only if there is no storage or holding time between grading and pressing.
(e) The use of sodium hypochlorite or other approved chemicals may be used during the washing and brushing step(s) to reduce the microbial population. The chemicals shall not be used in excess of the minimum amount required to accomplish their intended effect. Following the use of wash water with added chemicals, apples and any other produce used in making cider shall be rinsed with potable water to remove chemical residues. Chlorine solutions used to wash produce shall not exceed 200 parts per million (ppm).
(f) Chemicals used to wash apples shall meet the requirements specified in 21 CFR 173.315: Chemicals Used in Washing or to Assist in the Peeling of Fruits and Vegetables. Such chemicals shall be used in accordance with manufacturers' instructions.
(2)Processing Operations.
(a) Filter cloths shall be specifically designed for this purpose, made of durable materials, and replaced frequently. During processing, the cloths shall be handled in a sanitary manner. All press cloths shall be washed, sanitized, and dried daily. The use of automatic laundry equipment (washers and dryers) is recommended. Other laundry shall not be mixed with the washing or drying of the press cloths.
(b) Press racks shall be made of food-grade plastic or hardwood, which has been properly coated with paraffin or other food-approved coating prior to the start of the cider season. Press racks shall be kept off the floor at all times. At the end of each day, all used press racks shall be washed, sanitized, and allowed to dry. While drying, the racks shall be placed off the floor in a well-ventilated, screened location.
(c) All tubing carrying cider shall be approved for food use, and all plastic tubing shall be transparent. Tubing shall be protected from abrasion or breakage and shall be easily replaceable. If the tubing passes through spaces that are not readily accessible, the tubing shall be of one piece and easily cleanable. Tubing shall be as continuous as possible, with couplings kept to a minimum. After each production run the disassembling, cleaning, and sanitizing of tubing, clamps, couplings, and connections shall be performed. Tubing shall be positioned so that no pockets of liquid remain when the tubing is rinsed.
(d) Chemical sanitizers and other chemical antimicrobials applied to food-contact surfaces shall meet the requirements specified in 40 CFR 180.940: Tolerance Exemptions for Active and Inert Ingredients for Use in Antimicrobial Formulations (Food-contact Surface Sanitizing Solutions). Such chemicals shall be used in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. The concentration of the sanitizing solution shall be accurately determined by using a test kit or other device.
(e) After each day's operation, all equipment shall be thoroughly rinsed with clean water under adequate pressure and in sufficient volume to dislodge particles of fruit and film from all surfaces. A suitable high-velocity circulation pump for clean-in-place (CIP) systems and a suitable high-pressure washer for external cleaning of equipment shall be used for this purpose. All equipment shall then be dismantled or disassembled for cleaning and sanitizing. Equipment shall not be rinsed after sanitizing. All equipment shall be air-dried on racks.
(f) Cider shall only be sold in new containers with new caps.
(3)Labeling of Cider. The following information shall be provided on the container label.
(a) Statement of product identity or usual name, e.g., apple cider;
(b) Ingredients, including any additives or preservatives;
(c) Open date;
(d) Name, address, city, state, and zip code of manufacturer, packer, or distributor;
(e) The statement "Keep Refrigerated";
(f) Net quantity;
(g) "Pasteurized" or "treated with UV light" (or other approved method) to control pathogens" or other wording approved by the FDA; and
(h) Brand name (optional).
(4)Off-season Storage. During the off-season, press racks and cloths shall be stored and protected from contamination. Racks and cloths shall be thoroughly cleaned, sanitized, dried, and wrapped before storage.

105 CMR, § 500.016

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1322, eff. 9/23/2016.