Title 105 CMR 470.000 - Maintenance And Construction Of Lockup Facilities
- Section 470.001 - Purpose
- Section 470.002 - Authority
- Section 470.003 - Citation
- Section 470.010 - Scope
- Section 470.020 - Definitions
- Section 470.100 - Beds
- Section 470.101 - Benches
- Section 470.102 - Bedding
- Section 470.103 - Mattresses
- Section 470.150 - Common Cups Prohibited
- Section 470.151 - Disposable Drinking Cups
- Section 470.200 - Service of Food
- Section 470.250 - Common Towels Prohibited
- Section 470.251 - Storage of Disposable Towels
- Section 470.300 - Night Soil Pots Prohibited
- Section 470.301 - Detainee Access to Flush Toilet and Handwash Sink
- Section 470.302 - Flush Toilets Required
- Section 470.303 - Handwash Sinks
- Section 470.304 - Facilities to be of Sanitary and Safe Design
- Section 470.305 - Hot Water
- Section 470.306 - Sewage Disposal
- Section 470.307 - Plumbing Fixtures to be Sanitized
- Section 470.308 - Floor Drains
- Section 470.309 - Installation and Maintenance of Plumbing
- Section 470.310 - Potable Water
- Section 470.350 - Ventilation
- Section 470.351 - Ventilation Shut-off
- Section 470.352 - Heating
- Section 470.353 - Louvers and Grille Work
- Section 470.375 - Lighting Required
- Section 470.376 - Location of Artificial Light Sources
- Section 470.377 - Design of Light Fixture
- Section 470.400 - Location of Cells
- Section 470.401 - Location of Juvenile Cells
- Section 470.402 - Location of Female Cells
- Section 470.403 - Size of Cells
- Section 470.404 - Type of Construction
- Section 470.405 - Finish of Cell Walls and Ceilings
- Section 470.406 - Finish of Cell Floors
- Section 470.407 - Bars to be Inaccessible
- Section 470.408 - Cells to Have Audio Devices
- Section 470.409 - Security Devices
- Section 470.410 - Asbestos
- Section 470.411 - Storage of Materials
- Section 470.430 - Smoke Detector System
- Section 470.440 - Evacuation Plan
- Section 470.450 - Removal of Clothing
- Section 470.500 - Inspections
- Section 470.510 - Inspection Reports
- Section 470.520 - Plan of Correction
- Section 470.600 - Hearings
- Section 470.700 - Judicial Review
- Section 470.800 - Construction Approval Required
- Section 470.850 - Variances
- Section 470.900 - Severability