105 CMR, § 440.01

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 440.01 - Definitions

Approving Authority means the local Board of Health, or the Department of Public Health in the case of public agencies.

Black Water means sewage from toilet wastes only.

Board of Health means the appropriate and legally designated health authority of the city, town, or other legally constituted governmental unit within the Commonwealth having the usual powers and duties of the board of health of a city or town or its authorized agent or representative; provided, that in any case in which a camp extends into the geographic areas of two or more boards of health, those boards shall coordinate activities in effecting compliance with 105 CMR 440.00.

Camping Unit means any vehicle or object on wheels which is so designed and constructed, or reconstructed, or added to by means of accessories, as to permit the vehicle to travel over the highways, and as to permit the use thereof for camping purposes, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, travel trailers, self-powered camping units, expandable camping units and similar camping devices. Tents are also considered camping units whether mounted on a trailer or not.

Department means the Department of Public Health.

Family Type Camp Ground, Camp Ground, or Camp means a tract or parcel of land, either privately or publicly owned, (a) which is used wholly or in part for recreational camping or group activity purposes, or for accommodation for overnight or longer periods, and (b) which accommodates for profit or under philanthropic or charitable auspices three or more families or camping groups. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the family type camp ground may accommodate tents, motor homes, expandable camping units, and such other devices as may be developed and marketed for the camping trade. The term family type camp ground does not include a children's day camp, recreational camp for children, mobile home park or picnic area.

Gray Water means sewage consisting of wash water from sink and shower, etc.

Operator means any person, association, partnership, trust, corporation, firm or the Commonwealth or any body politic or political subdivision thereof which (a) alone or with others owns a family type camp ground, or (b) has care, charge, or control of a family type camp ground as agent or lessee of the owner or as an independent contractor.

Refuse means putrescible or non-putrescible solid waste materials consisting of all combustible and noncombustible solid wastes including garbage and rubbish but not including sewage.

Safari Field means an area attached to a licensed family type camp ground used for overflow and group camping. Safari fields are not to be used on a regular basis or construed to be just another campground with lower standards than required by 105 CMR 440.00. Overflow and group camping refers to one night stops or to a weekend at most.

Self-Contained Unit means a travel trailer or motor home equipped with holding tanks for black water and gray water waste water so that a hookup to the camp sewerage system is not required. The holding tank must be periodically pumped or drained to the camp facility.

105 CMR, § 440.01