105 CMR, § 270.007

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 270.007 - Collection and Submission of Newborn Blood Specimens
(A) Except as provided in 105 CMR 270.007(C), the health care provider attending a newborn shall ensure that a blood specimen is collected from the newborn between 24 and 48 hours after the birth. If a newborn child is discharged within the first 24 hours after the birth, the health care provider attending a newborn shall ensure that a blood specimen is collected prior to discharge and shall instruct the parents/guardians of the newborn to have a second specimen collected from the newborn within 48 hours of birth. The health care provider of a child after discharge from the birth hospital shall ensure that any repeat specimens requested by the Newborn Blood Screening Program are collected.
(B) The health care provider attending a newborn shall ensure that the blood specimen is collected from the newborn using the filter paper blood collection device provided by the Newborn Blood Screening Program and shall ensure that the specimen is submitted within 24 hours of collection or at next available specimen shipment for delivery to the Newborn Blood Screening Program in accordance with directions provided on the device and other supplemental information that may be provided by the Newborn Blood Screening Program. All information requested must be provided on the form associated with the device.
(C) If any parent or guardian objects to mandated newborn blood screening, the health care provider attending a newborn shall provide information about the benefits of mandated newborn screening and about the risks of refusing mandated newborn screening. A translator should be provided if necessary. If all of the infant's parents or guardians with legal custody refuse mandated newborn blood screening based on a conflict with their religious tenets and practices after being provided this information, the health care provider attending a newborn shall not conduct the newborn blood screening required by 105 CMR 270.007(A) and shall document the refusal on a form provided by the Newborn Blood Screening Program. The completed and signed form shall be sent to the Newborn Blood Screening Program and to the infant's health care provider of record.
(D) The health care provider attending a newborn shall ensure that a copy of the Newborn Screening Program brochure is provided to parents or guardians to inform them about the mandated screening tests and the availability of optional screening for pilot studies as specified in 105 CMR 270.006(B).
(E) The health care provider attending a newborn shall ensure that the consent and documentation procedures, as specified by the Newborn Blood Screening Program, are followed.

105 CMR, § 270.007

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1324, eff. 10/21/2016.