105 CMR, § 173.070

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 173.070 - Certificate of Approval
(A) Following Department determination that the proposed MIH or Community EMS Program has met the minimum requirements of 105 CMR 173.000, the Department shall issue a Certificate of Approval to the applicant, subject to any terms and conditions specified by the Department.
(B) Unless otherwise expressly denied by the Department in writing, notification, as set forth in 105 CMR 173.060(A), shall constitute a valid Certificate of Approval for the purposes of a Community EMS Program pursuant to 105 CMR 173.060 and 173.070.
(C) A Certificate of Approval shall be valid for two years from the date of issue unless otherwise specified in the Certificate of Approval.
(D) The Department may deny an application for a Certificate of Approval for any of the reasons set forth in 105 CMR 173.080.
(E) A Certificate of Approval may not be transferred or assigned to another service, program, agency, entity, or location.
(F) After receipt of a Certificate of Approval, an MIH or Community EMS Program may seek approval of modifications in accordance with processes and criteria established in Department guidance.

105 CMR, § 173.070

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1373, eff. 9/7/2018.